Thank God for Texas' Sen Cornyn!


New member
Ahhh yes..progressives. Those narsty sorts who don't have to use much in the way of health care in the first place..rare visits to their Doc. Eat the healthy foods, don't have a personal pharmacy in their bathroom med cabinets. Oh wait..theres HBs out of date eyewash from like..4 years ago..but still..jus move to the Left Coast..take pictures of the view..and you'll hardly notice us disgustingly healthy creative thinking 'forward moving' we skirt through the landscape. ssshh..quiet girls..we be the hand signals... ;) ina n HB n Kesa


New member
OF course, Mechelle, we agree with you,,,,Although there are many who can't see what is happening to our country because of their hatred for the prior administration.......then there are those who think this is exactly the direction we should take....One cloth, cut into squares, same square for each...(sigh)
No , Ina...I was thinking of the sorts that live around me....stuff themselves with fatty foods, till they can hardly walk, their knees and hips go, so they can get disability, and they are raising children the same way.....They believe: to work..or not to work...Is a choice in life they were born with...I know one 40 year old, who's mother has always told him 'You don't have to work'..and he hasn't. His disability is pending..
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New member
I do hate..but not what you might think. I hated the dismantling of much of americas natural the full-court-press to suck out any money making the friends of the extractive industrial types. They knew they would be long dead..before the rest of the country actually knew where they had been building 'strange airbases'..and roads to in alaska..for quite a few years. Bush pilots flying the 'sports', in for camping trips..discovered a heavy duty influx of road building..back about 7 years ago..followed that..ever since. Mining has finally been thrown a curve ball out in the west..and about time..but we will be superfunding the places already totally broken..for generations to come. Same with overcutting. Yes there are fire suppresion plans that use the newest tech. and research..but wholesail logging of old growrh..was not..the answer..except for nicely entrenched lumber barons-corps. to the former pres. I feel sorry for him because his was not an intellect that would matter where he went. He was a puppet..and a willing one. The VP? He would be the major player behind the scenes..and his cronies. Didn't give a fig..for him either. So..I hate..what the admin. america..but the actual two men at the top..they were..and are..broken in the ways of being a true family of man..human. There is no milk of human kindness in them. One does not hate a person who is crippled..and they were..what they each were..because of deep and abiding damages of emotional structure. I do not hate them. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
All very legitimate reasons for hating the actions of men, Ina. Hate is a destructive emotion...not to the target of the hate, but morally and emotionally to the one who hates. ;) I have a feeling that many on this forum and across the country feel very similar feelings toward the current administration...puppet reference in justifiable in their own minds as your feelings are in your mind and the minds of many over the past 8 years. Does that make one group less enlightened than the other? No...just different moral, prioritary and ethical foundations. Intolerance for opposing ideas and feelings of others, no matter how much we disagree, lacks a certain degree of human kindness don't you think?
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New member
If intol. down here in Open..why would I stay..but for the winding road of informations and education, and..experience? I listen, I offer agreements, disagreements and counter proposals..and without words which scourge. I figure I'm a fairly tolerant human. I the extractive-mind set..and listen well. We who will die in the next few years..will not be around to rebuild..a sullied earth..but we can..allow those, and their children, and..their childrens be to how the state they live to..longterm health. A great many of the children..are, as some parents..'eating cake'..rather than watching the natural world around them. This focus..never..a method stifle..comments.any comments. I think I am put in mind of walking down to any public park on the I-105..after a weekend..and seeing the mass of tossed out garbage..left by 'extractive sorts'..and we who care..clean it up. We know..that more americans than not..are lazy..will not..pack out their garbage. In oregon..we are more careful..because so many of the about health..from the..groundUP! Ours, yours, the state, the country from shore to shore. When all americans tuck gum wrappers and food wrappers and water bottles and six packs n half racks..back into their van and on bikes and off road vehicles..then I will be more comfortable with the views from across the divide. This earth..must live..and health. All that we..take from the earth..we replentish..we do not..extract. I am guessing that for each of you who find yourselves in agreement politically..and opposed to views such as mine..were to find ourselves comparing our homes, our mode of dress etc. we would find we are all clean/tidy, educated and forward looking. is not the individual I find a danger to the american experience..but the corporations and those who hold stocks in them..who look for strong dividends per quarter..that are..the danger. I do not rail against profit..but..against unreasonable profits. Are there always those who will want excess? Of course..but..thats why..we all watch, comment..and 'grow forward' seeking answers. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
I do not rail against profit..but..against unreasonable profits.
But who is to judge what is reasonable or not? I would think one may find as many answers as to what is reasonable profit or excess profit as there are people in the nation. Why assume that the profits are not being put to good use...charities, improving environment, creating jobs and new businesses, etc. Many of those corporations are missed on the radar, but they are there...or doesn't the mainstream media take an interest in those companies? Perhaps it's much a easier and desirable means to an end result in the public opinion polls, to rail and blame, and encourage outrage and anger. Racism is not the only intolerant mindset in this country. Classism is right up on the totem poll and encouraged to the fullest by the are anger and hatred toward opposing political parties. It's encouraged and exploited in both the conservative and liberal media. I would guess that the mainstream media have very little interest in the wealthy who do care and do give, and aren't extravagant in their personal and debt spending. I would guess that explains the assumption that the so called "wealthy" (as many answers to that term as there would be to unreasonable profit) mirror the behavior and lack of environmental concern of the wealthy that one has observed in one's own neck of the woods, on the idiot tube or in print. I'm not just talking about you, Ina, I'm refering to everyone. In my little neck of the woods, I see and know more giving in the wealthy camp than taking. It's not reported about, bragged about, exploited, used as bribery for ones own favors or gains...heck it doesn't even come up on the do-gooder media radar's giving and helping as one individual or group does for's human kindness.

Our perceptions and view of the world are all in what information flows out, and how much of that information falls through the cracks and how much is exploited and festers. :)

"Open" to ideas and opposing views is a good thing. ;)

...and there we go getting off topic again.
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New member
And unreasonable profit is, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder. When I was a kid spending summers near Black Newf we only had boat access. There were very few within 10 miles or so by land. Yet, those who came shortly thereafter with a road, cared not for the land or terrain. The gum wrappers, the oil cans etc. began and simply grew. We hated it, we love that place. But, I do not believe it is corporations, they are simply made up of people and the problem is people, most of them at any rate. My husband has a rather unique theory that sets most people on their ears- initially anyway. The worst thing that happened was the GI Bill, NOT because veterans got to go to college or had help with mortgages etc., but because for many, the act of going to college and doing better encouraged them to be to lenient and tolerant with their children. "My kids won't have to work and do without like I did" or variations thereof. Thus those generations have by and large become increasingly "me" oriented, to the detriment of all of us. This rough patch will probably be very good for the nation in the long run- Yeh I know, in the long run we are all dead but I do believe it will help bring us back to center (philosophically not politically).


New member
Back to center..I like that..and also the open to hearing..which then leads to how we each evaluate..and yes..'off the trail' usually where I learn the most. :) Now off to post about my soon to be..very loose ladys! ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Ina, the only people I have ever personally observed throwing candy bar wrappers and beer cans down on the ground are the poor and uneducated. I'm not saying that they are all that way, but I have seen people toss their empty beer can down on the ground rather than throw it in a trash can that is 2 steps away.

Maybe instead of railing against the corporations, who pretty much keep our country running and pays for all the beer the others are throwing about we should give them the some of the credit they deserve.

Also, how about Al Gore and his hypocrisy? He has gotten rich by selling the global warming theory and has no problem telling us what we need to do, yet he does not even follow his commandments.

Here is just one example of his hypocrisy: This is taken from

I thought I might provide a public service by reprising the comparison some enterprising soul made between Al & Tipper Gore’s house in Tennessee and George & Laura’s spread in Texas:

Glass Houses

Claim: E-mail compares George W. Bush's eco-friendly ranch with Al Gore's energy-expending mansion.

Status: True.

Example: [Collected via e-mail, 2007]


HOUSE # 1:

A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern "snow belt," either. It's in the South.

HOUSE # 2:

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.

HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

So whose house is gentler on the environment? Yet another story you WON'T hear on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC or read about in the New York Times or the Washington Post. Indeed, for Mr. Gore, it's truly "an inconvenient truth."

Origins: This e-mail comparison between the homes of President George W. Bush and former vice-president Al Gore began circulating on the Internet in March 2007 (shortly after the latter's film on the global warming issue, An Inconvenient Truth, won an Academy Award as Best Documentary). Short and sweet, there's a fair bit of truth to the e-mail: Al Gore's Nashville mansion is something of the energy-gobbler the e-mail depicts, while President Bush's Crawford ranch is more the model of responsible resource use the juxtaposition portrays it to

According to the Associated Press, the Gore's 10,000 square foot Belle Meade residence consumes electricity at a rate of about 12 times the average for a typical house in Nashville (191,000 kwh versus 15,600 kwh). While there are mitigating factors (further discussed in our article about the Gore household's energy use), this is still a surprising number, given that the residence is approximately four times the size of the average new American home.

The Prairie Chapel Ranch ranch home owned by George W. Bush in Crawford, Texas, was designed by Austin architect David Heymann, an associate dean for undergraduate programs at the University of Texas School of Architecture. As the Chicago Tribune described the house in a 2001 article:
The 4,000-square-foot house is a model of environmental rectitude.

Geothermal heat pumps located in a central closet circulate water through pipes buried 300 feet deep in the ground where the temperature is a constant 67 degrees; the water heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. Systems such as the one in this "eco-friendly" dwelling use about 25% of the electricity that traditional heating and cooling systems utilize.

A 25,000-gallon underground cistern collects rainwater gathered from roof runs; wastewater from sinks, toilets and showers goes into underground purifying tanks and is also funneled into the cistern. The water from the cistern is used to irrigate the landscaping surrounding the four-bedroom home. Plants and flowers native to the high prairie area blend the structure into the surrounding ecosystem.
Other news articles published in 2001-02 provided expanded descriptions of the ranch house:
"By marketplace standards, the house is startlingly small," says David Heymann, the architect of the 4,000-square-foot home.

Constructed from a local limestone, the house has eight rooms in a long, narrow design to take advantage of views and breezes. A porch Bush ranch house stretches across the back and both ends of the house, widening at one end into a covered patio off the living room.

The tin roof of the house extends beyond the porch. When it rains, it's possible to sit on the patio and watch the water pour down without getting wet. Under a gravel border around the house, a concrete gutter channels the water into a 25,000-gallon cistern for irrigation. In hot weather, a terrace directly above the cistern is a little cooler than the surrounding area.

Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into purifying tanks underground — one tank for water from showers and bathroom sinks, which is so-called "gray water," and one tank for "black water" from the kitchen sink and toilets. The purified water is funneled to the cistern with the rainwater. It is used to irrigate flower gardens, newly planted trees and a larger flower and herb garden behind the two-bedroom guesthouse. Water for the house comes from a well.

The Bushes installed a geothermal heating and cooling system, which uses about 25% of the electricity that traditional heating and air-conditioning systems consume. Several holes were drilled 300 feet deep, where the temperature is a constant 67 degrees. Pipes connected to a heat pump inside the house circulate water into the ground, then back up and through the house, heating it in winter and cooling it in summer. The water for the outdoor pool is heated with the same system, which proved so efficient that initial plans to install solar energy panels were cancelled.

The features are environment-friendly, but the reason for them was practical — to save money and to save water, which is scarce in this dry, hot part of Texas.
(NOTE: The floor plans shown at the web site are not accurate reproductions of the size and layout Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch house. They are elements of a parody.)

Last updated: 28 March 2007

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Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995-2009 by Barbara and David P. Mikkelson.
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Sources Sources:

Hall, Kristin. "Conservative Group Says Gore's Home Overuses Electricity."
Associated Press Worldstream. 28 February 2007.

McQuillan, Laurence and Judy Keen. "'Texas White House' a Refuge from Stress."
USA Today. 13 April 2001.

Sullivan, Rob. "Bush Loves Ecology — At Home."
The Chicago Tribune. 29 April 2001.

van Ryzin, Jeanne Claire. "The House That Bush Built."
Austin American-Statesman. 18 January 2001 (p. G1).

Walker, Pat. "Bush Ranch Home Takes Shape."
Austin American-Statesman. 3 January 2000 (p. B1).

St. Petersburg Times. "Waco Hosts Dignitaries on Visits to Bush Ranch."
10 May 2002 (p. D4).


New member
Bless you for posting about facts..and indeed the date 2007. If you do a quick read on the web site ..The brings that old email..and versions thereof..up to date. They might be of interest to those looking for the curr. info. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Well, its great to hear that he is finally getting with the program. Although, it does make one wonder if it is because of all the bad press he got for his hypocrisy???

I guess late is better than not at all.

I notice you didn't give Bush any kudos. And this is a man that is not out there preaching one way and doing another. I for one feel he deserves a pat on the back.


New member
I am certain he, bush..will give generously of his time and energy to family and friends and the community groups he has been a part of..these many years. I am certain he has a love of his country we do I shall hope he watches over them, and helps the waters stay pure and earth remains unsullied, for he and wife, for grandchildren..and greatgrandchildren. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Boy, know how that 'smarted' just a 'tinie tiny' bit to 'B'ush....
(with a capitol) you 'God' ( I don't mean Bush is like God...this is personal between me and Ina)


New member
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................Let's see........................


Nazi Germany has citizens ratting out other citizens for bad mouthing the Nazi Party, and it led to what???:shocker:

Soviet Union has citizens ratting out other citizens for bad mouthing the Communist Government, and it led to what?:ah:


President of the US has citizens ratting out other citizens for bad mouthing his policies, and it will lead to what??????????????????:shrug:

Da Comrade!!!!!!!!! or was that Zeig Heil!!!!!!

Ok Now Humor::fce32f95:

Future Plans:

Buy Mountain in Oregon
Buy 27,000 Feet Barbed Wire
Buy 16 Cases Claymore Mines
Buy 8 Cases C-4
Buy Ditch Digger (for trench System)
Buy 56,000 Sandbags (for Trenches and Bunkers)
Buy 22 Year Supply of Food and Water
Buy 34,000 kw Generator
Buy 164, 000 Gal fuel for Generator
Buy reinforced wall 2 story residence with steel shutters to include weapon ports, underground complex w/air and water recycling
Buy 16 Automatic weapons
Buy 2 Barret .50 cal Sniper Rifles w/scope and supression
Buy Rocket Launcher
Buy 106 Cases 7.62mm Ammo
Buy 18 cases Rockets for launcher
Buy enough cammo clothing for 22 years for family and Newfs
Buy Video Surveilence System
Hide on Mountain for next 22+ Years
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New member
I also read this morning that "the whitehouse" was training congressman/senators as to how to handle dissenters at meetings when they go home...(of course they are only organized minorities) I just never heard of these kinds of programs out of the white house. I thought people like 'Acorn' were always allowed free speach...Even to carry clubs at voting big deal.....I have to assume this is 'Chicago Politics'. This is certainly a 'different ' kind of administration when it comes to dissent.


New member
I LOVE it..that actual..for the severely-warped I think all call survivorists. I am almost not kidding!! And they exist in every state..sad to say. Here..we be watching for our local coffee hours and meetings to get rabid conservative types..soonest. One of my faves with the news shots from around the country watching the programmed facial expressions from the umm..disruptors. Me thinks they have overplayed their hand..and will even those who fall into the group of such-types..tend to get 'caught up in the moment'..and not realize when it was..that they..became..Caricatures. At least it is a source of humor for moi. ;) ina n HB n Kesa
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