Sunshine goes to the specialist this afternoon.


Active member
Well, deep breath.... She will be scoped Tuesday morning.:( He says, that although she "could" have Larangeal Paralysis, he feels "in his gut" that this is bronchial. Deep breath out.... I really think this too especially after seeing her xray & you can see some bronchial stuff. He said it is a good film, mild involvment. Mild involvment to me is not a normal film. My vet said the radiologist called it normal. Because she has been on so many antibiotics, he prefers to scope and get to the bottom of it. I agree. He also stated that we could have "created" the bug she has now with the combination of antibiotics.
She was so funny. She was all fluffy and gleaming(bath since the pic above) The receptionist didn't speak to her, neither did the tech. By the time the Dr. walked in, she was dancing. He said "Hi Buddy" & proceeded to try to listen to her chest. She would not hold still, kept licking him in the face & finally he smiled & said "Aren't you a sweet girl" She woo wooed at him and then let him listen to her chest. Sunshine will not be ignored!
When we were leaving, the receptionist told me that Sunny was the most well groomed Newfie she had ever seen. I was thrilled with that compliment.

She was anxious & when she gets nervous, she does a bit of the gagging thing. Usually 1 time. Today, we got the cough, loud breathing with panting,some gagging. He got to listen to all of it. I thought about how bad Rosie's last week of illness was. I had never heard a dog cough so much. But it got better every day & now she is fine. Sunshine has in my opinion yet to reach that level with her cough.

Thanks so much you guys. I do believe that the power behind our NN prayers is very strong. Hopefully they will continue to envelop Sunshine & we will get this all resolved.


New member
All kinds of prayers and good wishes for your baby. Sounds like he is a conscientous vet which is wonderful. Hugs and smooches from Thunder. Get well soon Sunshine.


New member
I'm giving Peanut a gilt trip now for taking Sunshines Pigs Ear out of HER SS box. He says he's sorry and XOXO...


New member
Good thoughts and much love to Sunny. We'll be thinking of her, esp. on tuesday.
Big smooches, Sunshine!


Active member
I'm giving Peanut a gilt trip now for taking Sunshines Pigs Ear out of HER SS box. He says he's sorry and XOXO...
Oh Tammy, LOL :)
I must get tape of Rosie playing with Sunny's bird. She happily trots around with it in her mouth listening to it. When it stops, she bites down again and it starts all over. My Dad said last week, "Rosie Enough!" She just jauntily trotted up to him and made it sing again, then dropped it, all nice & soggy in his lap and sat down. It was so funny!


New member
I'm impressed with your vet, I think she's in the right hands between you and him. Keeping a stream of prayers for the gorgeous Ms. Sunny D and her momma.