Still kind of here.


New member
I linger on occasion, scan through cute puppy pics, regret I have none of my own to share. The snow is melting, uncovering a toy or 2 of Buddy's in the yard, and I miss him. But on the brighter side i'm usually too busy to dwell on that. Zoe is 2.5 weeks old and Kayla is keeping me running around and on my toes, trying to become the center of attention at the most inappropriate times, but she's discovering herself I guess. She loves her little sister, but unfotunately doesn't understand the "gentle" concept yet, so frequently Zoe is the recipient of lving headbutts and becomes a stool for her (I guess she figures she sits on my lap, why not Zoes). She goes to Zoe when she hears crying and symapthy cries if the crying is loud enough and insistent enough (or i'm taking too long to respond). Hopefully we fall into a schedule soon here, at least with the hubby off work for the next 2 weeks still, I have a hand when I need it, though he's got 4 classes in univeristy this semester and I have 2, so we've been going a little crazy, btu so far everything is getting done.

So far, Zoe looks almost nothing like her older sister, and has an incredibly different personality from what I remember of Kayla's, but that makes it more intersting.

Either way, not to bore you, but I just have to post a picture. She's so alert already at 2 weeks old it's amazing!



New member
Hang in there ... it gets better :) {{{{{ hugs}}}}}

Lil' one is quite the "cutie." Love the onzie.

I have to laugh when you say about the personailty. With our 2 girls, the oldest is a 2nd mommy.. and the littlest girl is daddy through and through.


Super Moderator
What a sweet baby. You can 'bore' us with photos anytime. How about one with big and little sister together?


New member
I call this one "What do you mean by don't hit Zoe on the soft spot as hard as I can?"

And this one of course, was the day after Zoe came home.. Kayla thought she could pick her up and hug her like a stuffed animal.



New member
Please know that you could never "bore" us. is a family of friends. Your girls are adorable. :hug:


New member
She's adorable! It's so cute to see both of your girls together. That second picture of Kayla wanting to pick Zoe up is precious. You can really see her focus on her baby sister.