Still here :) From Jess & Murphy


New member
Just popping in to say HELLO to our NN family. We have not forgotten you! Hope you haven't forgotten us. Murphy and I have had lots going on these past few months. We moved out of state to the Chicago area, I started a new job and we have a new home. We are still very much missing our Gabe. The wound is still quite raw...and that's probably why I haven't been around NN much. It isn't because we are not still very attached to you's just because it was a constant reminder that we are without our boy...and we just needed some time. I hope all is well with all of you and your furkids. I will post some updated pics to the thread later today. :)


New member
Jess, it's so great to hear from you, and I'm so sorry about Gabe. I'm wishing you and Murphy all the most wonderful things in your new home!!!!


Active member
congratulations on your new job and home. One day you will be able to look back on the happier times you had with Gabe and not hurt quite so much though he will always be missed , hopefully you can find another animal who can help with the grief in the future


New member
I have thought about you often so it is wonderful to hear from you again! I have always admired your strength in dealing with whatever comes your way. I hope you are enjoying your new job and home and the emptiness of Gabe's loss lessens.


Active member
I think of you often, so I'm glad to see you still hanging around. Congrats on the new home and new job and I wish the best for you.

Henrys Mom

New member
So glad to hear from you and to hear you are doing well! Congrats on your move and new job! Can't wait to see pictures! Take Care!


New member
Hey Jess... Truly I was thinking of you the other day. So glad you dropped in.. We miss you around here....


New member
Welcome to Chicagoland Jess! Glad you and Murphy are getting though this together. Congrats on the new job and the new place!


Super Moderator
Hey! Missed you and Murphy, post some pics of your new place and of course Murphy soon.


New member
Have missed you and Murphy and thought of you often. Glad to hear you have begun a new chapter in your life:)


New member
Welcome back and we all totally understand :hugs: BTW: I sent you a friend request n FB (I'm Kristen McDonough) but I couldn't figure out how to message you to let you know it was me :blush: