Snowshoeing Orka's 2nd Birthday


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Orka born ThanksGiving Day 2009, Belgium, so we celebrate his birthday on ThanksGiving and the 26th (and in between, LOL). He truly is an endless fount for my thanksgiving! so auspicious.

Today we celebrated by going up to Mt Hood for snow fun. We snowshoed, worked on joring training, made sure Orka is used to his booties and omnijore harness. Once he's in the snow he does not care about the booties and they fall off anyway. We use Musher's Secret to keep his pads in good shape and prevent snowballs.

I bought my skis, boots and bindings today for skijoring. Whhheeeee!

First of course he met the neighbor's kids' new lab puppy, Ember, and had scrumptious turkey necks, gizzards, steak, lamb, played with the Coons, ran around a cedar park and played in the brook in the sunlight, eating grass, etc which primed him for hours in the snow running woodsy trails, frolicking in a lake and howling to his heart's content in the wilderness.



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Orka's been seeing a lot of horses and goats lately. Nonchalant about horses now. Fortunate because a miniature horse unexpectedly shared the stage with him at Halloween; they were the hit! Holy cow Orka is bigger than a horse!

Some recent pictures:



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Love all the photos, but the one that touches my heart is the one with the two kids with ear to ear smiles and that last one is an over fireplace photo!


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Just bought a drysuit so I can keep swimming and waterwork training Orka no matter the weather. Freedom! Last year has been a gear buying marathon. Think I'm finally done, whole house is Newf tack room.

Orka is continually around children and is so used to them he ignores them unless invited to say hi. But wherever he goes they flock to him. He has a very mellow sweet personality. He loves playground equipment and today climbed all through an extensive 3 story fort to the squeals of a full park on a snowy day.


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With his lighter muzzle he does often look like a black bear, and some have been caught roaming about here, so I dress him with bright vests and blinking lights. Today we had so much gear stuffed in the jeep I didn't bring the tracking vest but on the trail he wore his omnijore harness with blinking beacon light.

It has helped, not so many shrieks of Bear!

R Taft

Active member
:music: Happy Birthday Beautiful Orka :music: you have a special place in Our hearts :) :kiss: :kiss: :hugs: :hugs: from Downunder


New member
The second on of you both is sooooo beautiful (and gosh, do I want to smootch that snoot of his) and the the with the mini horse - hysterical!!!!


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Sister Cooper sends her brother Orka, a big Happy Birthday hug. It looks like Orka had a great time on his 2nd birthday. We took Cooper to Garmisch and ordered her "big girl collar". There is a shop that makes custom leather collars that are beautiful. Then it was out to eat and romping in a local camp ground, which was great because no one is there this time of year. My daughter and Cooper had the entire camp ground to themselves and played hide-and-go-seek. Then at home we had a "cake" for Cooper. The next day was spent at our town's annual Christmas Fest. Cooper got a lot of attention and enjoyed all the activity. Happy Birthday Orka! Love and hugs from your sister Cooper.