Prayers for my daughter


New member
We spent 14 hours at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan yesterday while my daughter Meaghan had surgery for hip dysplasia (yes, humans can have this too). Basically the doctors cut her hip apart in two places and then realigned the pieces. The operation took 7 hours, when we finally got to see her at 4 pm, she was alert but sleepy and was going to spend the night in the recovery room due to the amazing amount of tubes, bags and equipment attached to her. Should be 4-5 days in the hospital and a month in the house, then slowly she will be good as new.

Looong day yesterday and getting ready to go back right now. Please keep Meg in your thoughts.
Thanks, Sandy


New member
My thoughts and prayers are with your daughter and of course your family. Kids tend to heal quickly. That sounds like a real ordeal. How old is she?(((hugs)))


New member
Oh goodness...that must have been very tough on all of you. I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and hoping for an uneventful and expedient recovery. I'm sure that her quality of life will be greatly improved after all of this is over!


New member
Thinking of you! The worst part is over, waiting for the surgery, now the healing begins. Sending healing thoughts, she's at the best hospital for all of this.