Not good-jump from the boat


New member
We have a neighbor who shoots guns several nights a week in the evening. We never know when it will happen. He has a target in his yard and pops off about 10 shoots, one every couple minutes. I hear he is setting gun sights that he sells. Kona freaks out when this happens. She beelines her way to the house, jumping at the doors.

We live on a small lake and I like to take her out for a ride on our kayak around the lake. Last evening after a nice dinner on the deck, we went for a ride. It was such a pleasant evening. We were halfway around the lake and I heard the first shot. Kona came over to me and stood right in front of me so I couldn't pedal or paddle. Another shot and she decided to swim for home. Jumped right in and took off, another shot and she swam faster. I was so angry I yelled out that I had had it with this axxxxxx. Sorry if the neighbors heard that. Kona made her longest swim with me holding her by the boat. I would have pulled her up if she looked tired, but that would have been another ordeal. Most people around the neighborhood are annoyed and/or angry about the shooting, but don't want to complain about someone with a gun (don't want to make HIM angry). I know my dogs barking can be annoying to some, but I think this noise goes too far. Other people and their dogs are scared by the shooting too. I hate to see her getting more scared of loud noises or going for boat rides. Gun rights are one thing, but terrorizing dogs is cruel.

Would you complain? Call the sheriff? Not sure of the best way to handle.


New member
Heck yes I would!! I think it's insensitive to everyone.
Best to be diplomatic though. Perhaps first you could speak to him about the problem. Make sure he understands the reaction his "sight setting" is creating.
Meet him part way by asking him if he would be willing to "test' his guns at a specific time each day so that you can prepare yourself AND Kona by staying indoors. It won't make the sound go away but at least you will be indoors.
My guess is you are not in any type of city limits or where there are gun control laws huh?
If he isn't agreeable to working with you then I'd get the sheriff involved.


New member
I am definately not anti gun, but yes I would call the sherriff. We have the same problem with fireworks in our area (tourists). I haven't called because there are too many to call on. Our Sully is frightened of loud noises also, so I feel sorry for you.
My husband is a gun collector, but you need to show respect for your neighbors.
We have also had to put up with hunters shooting on the lake directly in front of our home during duck season, it is too residential, and I cannot believe it is allowed, and once again my husband is a hunter, but these are people that in our opinion are not true hunters--shooting ducks on the water isn't very sportsman.
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New member
First you need to find out if it is illegal for him to do that in a residential neighborhood. If it is not, then there is not a lot you can do. If there is a nosie law, you may be able to do something there. If he does not have a proper backstop, etc., he may be violating any safety laws that go with that. If he is doing a gun business out of his home, he may not be licensed to have a range. If he is he must meet all kinds and federal, state, and local laws.


New member
It seems crazy to shoot a gun in the backyard of a residential neighborhood...what if there were kids playing "cops and robbers" running around, etc.?

I don't blame you for being freaked out. Definitely call the police and find out what's legal.


New member
Most areas have laws about when and where a firearm can be discharged. I'd check that out.

Ours are so used to gunshots...we have a deer hunting camp where the woods (acres and acres) connect to the back of our woods, and during duck and goose season around here it seems as if the world is blasting away.

Nobody is shooting close to a residential area, but when it's quiet, in rural areas, the sounds of gunshots carry a LONG way.


New member
We have guns going off occassionally around here but I think they're usually shooting at snakes. We do, so can't complain. On fireworks days that's a real problem, we have several who are very frighened. I would sure find out what the exact rules are and if they are being followed.


New member
Thanks for the responses...... I found out that it is legal for people to shoot guns where we live if the are not being reckless. I guess we will just have to get used to the noise and we will avoid boat riding in the evening. Just wish Kona wasn't so bothered by it, but I don't think that is going to change.


My thoughts. If he is doing it for a business, is your area zoned for a home business. Does he need a permit to run a home business in your area, does he have one. If he is shooting all the time on a regular basis does what he is doing qualify as running a shooting range. If so is the range properly constructed? What is his plan for lead contamination? Are there restrictions on when you can do noisy business in your area (where I live you can't do construction before 7:30AM). In short forget that it is a gun, think of it as a business and does he meet the regulations for a business. Being able to shoot guns recreationally doesn't mean you can do it as a business.


New member
I think talking to him might be a good idea. Go over in a very nice, neighborly way and just ask if he could give you a "heads up" before he's going to fire the guns, so that you can get your dog inside. Asking him to only fire the guns a certain time of day may be too restrictive for him, but certainly, requesting a 10 minute heads-up time is reasonable.

Thule's Mom

New member
Oh my! I can't imagine what I'd do... it's illegal to do that here. What as a**hole! Even if it is legal for him do be doing this, he could have some consideration for his neighbours.


New member
It could be he has no idea that dogs or people could be frightened by the noise. These days I don't underestimate what people are oblivious of. I think a neighborly call is in order, let him know Kona's very scared of the noise and you'd appreciate some warning or a window of time when he's going to be doing it. Heck, with some warning of when he's going to do it you could work on desensitizing Kona to the noise. Good luck!


New member
Wow, that is just amazing that your neighbor can shoot a gun in a residential area. We had a neighbor that shot a rabbit in our neighborhood (close to my garage) because he believed the rabbit was destroying his garden. I called the police and he was arrested. My kids were about playing about 25 feet away from the rabbit when he shot it.


New member
My kids were about playing about 25 feet away from the rabbit when he shot it.
OMG, they must have been totally freaked out! And I agree, talk to the neighbor and ask for a heads-up *or* a window, that gives him some options. He might just be clueless.