NN Pari surgery Scheduled


New member
Pari is scheduled for surgery on Monday. I would have loved to get her in this week - but Monday isn't too far away.

Dr Berzon said she has a definite tear of the cruciate. He won't know for certain to what extent until he has her in for surgery. The good news - the other knee is a bit inflamed (likely from bearing her weight for the past several days). But he feels no laxity in that knee. And the x-rays showed no signs of degenerative joint issues. So she should do well post surgery.

Preliminarily, he believes he'll be doing a TTA on her - because of her weight / age / activity level / health. But again, we'll know more once he gets in and can fully see what's going on with the cruciate and see if there is any damage to the meniscus.

For now, Pari is at work with me - resting (thank goodness!)



New member
Hugs and well wishes from Illinois. How great is it that you can bring her to work with you?! That's a great way to monitor her until the big day...


New member
We're here for you Liisa! Kisses to the princess! and thats fantastic news regarding her other knee, and joints!