My King Has Passed....


New member
As someone on here said before....I have no words, only tears.
I am so sorry for your loss. Roger was the personification of Newfiedom....
My heart is breaking for you and all your family, especially Emily
for the loss of her big furry protector.
Godspeed dear Roger, you are whole and pain free again.
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Super Moderator
My heart sank when I saw this. Jane, I am so very sorry, I hoped he would bounce back like the other times. Rest in peace Roger, you will be missed by so many people.


New member
I kept coming back looking for updates, hoping I wouldn't see this. I am so, so sorry Jane. Roger knew how much he was loved and he will be in your heart forever. Sending hugs and prayers for you and your family.


Active member
Oh Jane, I am so very sorry to hear this. What's that saying?......Only the Good die Young! Rest in Peace, Nobel King.


New member
I'm very sorry Jane. Roger was a sweet, gentle soul. May he run free of pain and suffering, until you meet again.


Active member
My deepest heartfelt condolences, Jane. May all those special memories made comfort you and nourish your soul at this time of loss. Run free Roger...with all those other special newfs called home lately.

The only comfort I find as of that they are all together ((HUGS))


New member
Jane, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. (((HUGS))). Jen is right. He's hanging out with Murphy at the bridge right now, no pain, just running free.


New member
Jane I am so very sorry. Roger was such a cool, regal Newf. Dogspeed Roger, run pain free and play with Murphy and Tonka.

Bella and Gabe

New member
Jane, my heart breaks with the loss of the King. He truly was the most noble of nobles. Wish I could give you a big hug. I know how devistating this feels. You were one of the first to offer me comfort when I lost my Bella several years ago. I extend to you the same love and understand. How are you darling daughters holding up?

Run pain free and happy at the rainbow bridge, Handsome Roger. Rest in peace dear boy.


New member
I just hate reading posts like this... My heart is with you and your family. I, too, am wondering how the girls are doing? So sorry for your loss.

with Murphy, Angus, Mowgli, and mudji waiting across the Bridge