Missing my boy :(


New member
yep, same here Jess, it has been 2 years now since we have lost Sawyer and it feels like yesterday. Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Sometimes occurrences just suck! This is one of those times. Most of us have experienced that hole-in-the heart feeling. For me, it's never gone away. I think about you and Gabe often, Jess. :hugs: The best therapy you'll find is from Murphy and your other pets. Hang in there.


New member
I've been thinking of you. I know it hurts, but I've been impressed with how you have been dealing with your tremendous loss. You keep moving on, even though you miss your sweet, sweet angel boy. Many hugs to you and silly Murphy.


New member
Hugs Jess Im with ya on this one. I think when Piggyluv left me I went into shock, here lately Im worse than I ever was. When our heart dog leaves us its a very very empty place.I tear up daily and wish so bad I could hold him 1 last time. We must go on , theres others who need our love,Its good you reach out to us who know, we cant take the pain away but thank you for reaching out and reinforcing we are not alone. Sometimes we feel that way. Oh I miss my big sweet burly luv, his presence was so huge in my life, and I know you feel the same way. But I would do it again and again just to have known him for his last 7 yrs. Hugs as you miss your luv, let the special times in your mind and heart help you heal. There were so many this yr that left us , our luvs have company and are not alone at the bridge.

Wayne A

New member
We know how you feel Jess.Life is not fair but Hug your Murphy twice as much.
Thinking of you and all the others that have lost their pets to the bridge.


New member
Oh, Jess, sending all my love to you and Murphy. I wish I knew what to say to help ease your pain even just a tiny bit. Please know that you are not alone. We lost Oso on May 23rd and sometimes the pain is so bad I can hardly breathe.

I try to take comfort in the fact that he knew how much I loved him and that I'm going to see him again.

I'm here if you just want to be two blubbering idiots together. :hug:



Active member
Thinking of you and sending you big hugs from us. My heart breaks for you when I think about how suddenly Gabe was taken from you. Life just isn't fair at times. You are a strong person and you will get through this. Having good moments and bad/sad moments are all part of the process. Gabe will always be with you. I wish you peace, Jess.

KS Newf

New member
Jess, prayers and heartfelt sympathies going out to you and Murphy. I totally understand, and I am just so sorry. Be gentle with yourself right now, and hug Murphy more than ever. God bless you as you grieve.


New member
Hugs to you Jess. Loosing one of these special bears is like the breath going out of the house. Kim


Active member
I think, in a way, this is why so many of us swoon over puppies and herald their births. Not just that they're adorable - because they are - but with each puppy another wonderful spirit has joined the world.


New member
Jess, I know exactly how you feel. It has been just over a month since our Lucy crossed the bridge, too. (((((HUGS))))))

I finally forced myself to wash the floors on Saturday, wiping away the last drooly marks she left on the floor in her favorite spots. I cried the whole time. I felt like I was wiping away the last traces of her.

We need a support group for folks who've recently lost their newfies. There were just too many, over a short period. Not fair!

Loosing one of these special bears is like the breath going out of the house. Kim
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New member
I can relate to how you feel, Jess....even not having Cookie for four years, but getting to see her before she died, doesn't lessen my sadness. She's been gone for two years, but almost every night, I think of her as I fall asleep. Especially when I've had a tough day....I picture myself in a calm field underneath a big tree, just looking up into the sky, with Cookie peacefully sitting next to me. I don't care who thinks I'm crazy...these animals leave an indelible print in our hearts. I agree with everyone here who has said to grieve and mourn freely....there is no timetable to healing. Hug sweet Murphy and cherish the sweet memories of Gabe....


New member
It may not help you Jess, but so many of us know how you feel and have felt the same way, in time it does get easier, we never forget them but we can smile and laugh and tell stories about their silly antics.
It's very hard I think when they leave us suddenly like Gabe did. We don't have any time to prepare ourselves for that final goodbye till we meet again.
When they are old or are sick for a long time we deep down know the inevitable and can prepare ourselves a bit better, though it's awful whichever way it happens.
Sorry for my rambling but I know and lots of us here know how you feel.
Give Murphy a big hug from me too.
Angela put it exactly right. We never forget them and it takes time and it hurts so much. :grouphug:


New member
It's been years since my Kody left us and it's still the same. The ache never goes entirely away, you just learn to live with it a little better. You will be OK, his love will continue to protect you. He tells Murph how to help.


New member
Aw, Jess, I hurt for you. I've been in your shoes -- no Newf, but plenty of other animals in the household needing me. Honestly, it wasn't enough; the hole in my heart was too big. About a month after my Juno died (suddenly), I found Newf.net and started lurking, looking at everybody's pictures of their dogs -- and then I knew I wasn't (a) crazy or (b) done with Newfs. Sophie came to me a month after that, and I *know* Juno sent her. Many :hugs: to you and your herd from me and my herd.


New member
If we didn't love them as much as they love us life would be so much easier when they leave. It's a hard contract we sign when we take on the companionship of one of these magnificent beings. I haven't been able to interact here as much recently because of the barrage of passings, and I'm just a bystander, it's a painful process.

I hope each and every Newf parent who has lost a dog knows, we understand intuitively and share your sorrow. It will be us one day posting our final tribute. But I don't think any of us would exchange the joy of being gifted with one of these dogs for the safety of never having one (or many) grace us with their love.

:hugs: to you Jess.