Missing my boy :(


New member
It's been a little over a month since my Gabe went to The Bridge. The ache is still in my heart. I still tear up daily when I think of him. I'm missing him so much- it still seems surreal. Please send good thoughts and prayers to Murph and I if you have any extra to spare.


New member
Oh Jess. I think about you and what you must be going through all the time. I know how much he meant to you. These dogs are our lives. Probably totally unhealthy, and something I myself should seek therapy for;) but, they are. Let Murphy give you comfort, parts of Gabe are in him too. Big big big hugs.


Super Moderator
It may not help you Jess, but so many of us know how you feel and have felt the same way, in time it does get easier, we never forget them but we can smile and laugh and tell stories about their silly antics.
It's very hard I think when they leave us suddenly like Gabe did. We don't have any time to prepare ourselves for that final goodbye till we meet again.
When they are old or are sick for a long time we deep down know the inevitable and can prepare ourselves a bit better, though it's awful whichever way it happens.
Sorry for my rambling but I know and lots of us here know how you feel.
Give Murphy a big hug from me too.


Active member
Jess, MHO dogs stay with you forever...heart and soul! It's hard and time does help heal the hole they leave. Gabe is with you, feel his love!


Active member
I'm right there with you Jess. Laurel and I were talking about this same thing just a few days ago. It's that special connection we had, that we miss the most. Our Newfs loved us unconditionally. Gabe, Lucy and Zeke are still here, they just live in our hearts now!
I'm looking forward to meeting you in Michigan this coming weekend! :hugs:


New member
It's been 4 months since Ebony lost her battle with lymphoma and I too still cry for her. I keep wondering when it will get better, but I still can't smile when I think of her. I just miss her. I know the kind of pain you feel. I wish I could tell you the magic formula to make it ache less. I am so sorry for Gabe's sudden passing. (((hugs)))

R Taft

Active member
I am much the same as the others..I still really miss mine, Though like Angela said, you will start remembering the good times and they will give you a smile in the future.
And I think the fact that it was so sudden was even more painful. I know from experience that those who were so very sudden left me devastated.
Lots of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you and Murphy and prayers from here...Take care of yourselves, Ronnie


Active member
It is the inherent goodness of this breed that makes them part of our hearts. It's no wonder you miss him. What a big hole he has left. Mourn him fully and remember him always. There is no shame in loving and missing something that was such a big part of your life. :hugs:


New member
Jess, it's been 2 years since I lost Gracie and Wilson's been gone 4 years, plus the others I lost before them. I think of them pretty much everyday. I have my good day's and bad day's. It does get easier as time goes on. Losing Gabe so sudden makes it even harder. They all are in our hearts and memories forever. Sending comfort to you and Murphy, ((((hugs)))))


New member
Jess, I've read alot of your posts in the past and I have so much respect and admiration for how strong and resilient you are...it is not a weakness to cry and mourn for the loss of Gabe. You will always miss him, that won't change, but it will get easier over time. Because Gabe was so much a part of your everyday life, you are going to need some more time for your head and heart to make the adjustment and to develop a new day to day routine where your heart doesn't break every time you come home and he is not there to greet you.
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New member
We all understand why and how you feel the way you do. I'm so sorry. It will get better over time. My thoughts are with you and Murphy.


New member
Having lost Benson so suddenly, I can understand and empathize with the pain you are experiencing right now. It's been a little over two years and it still hurts. The pain isn't as raw and intense but it's still there and I don't expect it to ever go away completely.

What's helped me to cope with this loss is to dwell on all the joy and special gifts I received from Benson while he was with me instead of what was taken away from me. Please trust me when I say as time goes by you will have more smiles than tears when a memory of Gabe visits you.


New member
Jess.. I have thought of you often and wondered how you have been coping. You and Murph are in my prayers..


New member
Jess, I know those moments of horrendous loss creep up on you, they seem to come out of nowhere and change your mood entirely- that pain you feel in the pit of your stomach and you just can't believe that all of this has happened, it's like a very bad dream.

I've decided that whenever those moments strike, I'll just to go with it, then try to balance the sadness with some happy memories. It does help somewhat. :hugs: :hugs:


New member
jess , trust me i feel your pain , i often wonder if there will ever be a day when i can think of my boy without the heartbreaking hurt , i am keeping you and murphy in my thoughts and prayers ,