marking and neutering. your experience?


Super Moderator
Stacey, Please don't take the posts wrong. Some people get carried away. Believe me I know...

Anyway neutering Adam didn't effect his marking. He still likes to hike on things outside. Never in the house. Adam was close to 4 when I had him neutered.


New member
All my male dogs mark outside frequently. Unfortunately 1- Ivan the Terrible marks inside too which drives me nuts. Thunder never.


New member
Um. Bojie marked a poor old lady sitting on a bench only 3 yrs ago. 2yrs post neuter. I was mortified. Granted we were in a dog park, which I don't like taking him to, but it was a new one, and there was only one person in it. HA! Epic fail!
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New member
We've noticed a slight decrease. Bo might mark 2 out of every 5 bushes now instead of 5 out of 5. But we never had problems with him marking other dogs or people, so I'm not sure if that would be reduced. My guess would be yes, but not 100% of the time.

Henrys Mom

New member
Some people really have some nerve...Now you see why I don't post here! Too many perfect people with perfect dogs! I'll look for you on FB so we can discuss REAL dog issues!


New member
Can't say about neutering, not gonna do it. But marking? Orka ***loves*** to mark, one of his top favorite activities. The HighER the better. Cannot believe how much pleasure he gets in it. Big boy proud, and often with lots of growly macho kick up the dirt and heels grins.

Not a problem. There was a time when he decided to mark everybody's stuff on the beach. I about died, it came out of nowhere. Lotsa screams. Cured him of that real quick.

He marked in a pet store, reprimanded, doesn't do that. Doesn't ever mark inside. When in service harness and service mode, does not mark anywhere. When carting does not mark. Will have to teach him not to during waterwork. But if he's just out for wild dog time, he can mark all he wants. I'm making a photo album of him peeing. It's a big deal to him. He goes to dog parks but does not mark other dogs or ppl. It rains here a lot so no stink worry. Until summer.


New member
Can't say about neutering, not gonna do it. But marking? Orka ***loves*** to mark, one of his top favorite activities. The HighER the better. Cannot believe how much pleasure he gets in it. Big boy proud, and often with lots of growly macho kick up the dirt and heels grins.

Not a problem. There was a time when he decided to mark everybody's stuff on the beach. I about died, it came out of nowhere. Lotsa screams. Cured him of that real quick.

He marked in a pet store, reprimanded, doesn't do that. Doesn't ever mark inside. When in service harness and service mode, does not mark anywhere. When carting does not mark. Will have to teach him not to during waterwork. But if he's just out for wild dog time, he can mark all he wants. I'm making a photo album of him peeing. It's a big deal to him. He goes to dog parks but does not mark other dogs or ppl. It rains here a lot so no stink worry. Until summer.
Good for you's great that Orka is having a blast when he's "not working". That's what it's all about :)


New member
Can't say about neutering, not gonna do it. But marking? Orka ***loves*** to mark, one of his top favorite activities. The HighER the better. Cannot believe how much pleasure he gets in it. Big boy proud, and often with lots of growly macho kick up the dirt and heels grins.

Not a problem. There was a time when he decided to mark everybody's stuff on the beach. I about died, it came out of nowhere. Lotsa screams. Cured him of that real quick.

He marked in a pet store, reprimanded, doesn't do that. Doesn't ever mark inside. When in service harness and service mode, does not mark anywhere. When carting does not mark. Will have to teach him not to during waterwork. But if he's just out for wild dog time, he can mark all he wants. I'm making a photo album of him peeing. It's a big deal to him. He goes to dog parks but does not mark other dogs or ppl. It rains here a lot so no stink worry. Until summer.
Leska, what cured him of the marking peoples' stuff at the beach? Hemi did that to a kid's backpack once. I wanted to shrivel up and die.


New member
I understand how somebody could be upset at marking and wish it would lessen or stop. But for me, my boy's evident pleasure is funny and I get tremendous pleasure in everything that makes him happy. Part of the blessing of autism, happiness is ever-new, ever-wondrous, the delightful groove of repetition that never stales, thanking God for Orka's health and joy every second.

Anyway yesterday we took the bus (hence the service harness) down to the nearby waterfront to work on getting Orka to accept the sea lions without freaking since they have been barking and swimming up to him. They were not barking, just swimming back 'home' where we moor his kayak, full of fish and quiet. Just had gotten off bus, crossed very busy street, on path, off leash (no longer in service mode) and you can see his marking relish 1st couple minutes of video a couple times :)
Beginner Sea Lion Kumbaya


New member
Hemingway, he just started one day out of the blue marking ppl's stuff, and I mean deliberately walking up to their backpacks, chairs, balls, sweaters, aiming and marking. Was not expecting it so didn't understand the sudden yelling but then saw him running in a line down a crowded beach pissing on everything. The horror and mortification!

Cure: Ppl screaming at him, me grabbing him (hard to run thru sand), saying "NO!!!!," leashing him, walking him by stuff and any time he so much as turned his head to look sniff or aim, quick leash pop, emphatic "NO PEEING!"

2 trips like that to be sure, but the ppl screaming at him actually upset him and stopped it. He was still at an age where he thought any noise was an invitation to play. He can read ppl and dogs better now, still gets revved by dog noises but now respects them.

He knows the "pee" and "poop" commands so understood "no peeing." I have no idea what made him suddenly think it was OK -- he had been perfectly behaved in this regard until that sudden free for all pissing spree.

Of course that has to be stopped immediately. I'll never get the memory out of my head though. And ppl wonder if the Devil is real?


Active member
Oh Leska! I could watch videos of Orka allllll day! He just looks so soft and fluffy. Elvis NEVER barks and his tail rarely moves. He'll wag it every once in awhile, but it usually just hangs there. I know that's "standard", but I love seeing Orka's tail up and wagging like that!

Hmmm....maybe Elvis is depressed here in Ohio. I think we need to come visit Orka and Oregon. Road trip!! Stacey, you in?!?


New member
He's happy. He communicates what he wants, and is OK with being directed. We have a lot of adventures. I'm sure I'm way more lax than a lot of ppl but he's always with me and we go everywhere and I'm pretty mellow, just so thankful for him and for getting better and being able to walk etc.

Thing is, when he's in service mode there is no peeing allowed -- no sniffing even. And he's fine with that, because he gets enough wild dog time where he can get that out of his system so he is not pent up.

It's a balance. Service involves a lot of boring waiting in hot places -- not his natural cup of tea. He's a go go go boy.


New member
Wait....he's a dog? I thought for sure he was a human. No wonder he hasn't picked up the english language yet! No wonder he won't use the fork and knife I leave for him beside his food dish!!! Geesh, you have REALLY opened my eyes!!!
I read this in the car yesterday and it literally almost made me pee my pants. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:


New member
Leska, just watching him go down those stairs makes me weepy and jealous. Hemi can't go down stairs like that because of his elbows. He does both front feet together, then back feet together, like a hop. :( Sad to see my 15 month old be so crippled.


New member
I am so sorry, Stacey. Your poor Hemi -- but you love him and want the best for him. Newfs have so many ortho issues. I haunted this forum reading everything I could to make sure I didn't do anything to jeopardize my perfect boy -- and then he bleached out with vitiligo. Things happen beyond our control, and we can only adjust and make the best of life.

Those stairs are massive, hard for a human to use, but Orka is like a mountain goat. But he cannot be out in sunshine or hot weather. So we live like vampires half the year. The night life.

You'll have to find fun new things for Hemi that are level and easy. New smells, new places. Riding in a canoe or boat. Being love bugged in a new grassy park. Swimming in a pond. Easy gentle obedience training, not too many sits or downs in a row.

You can teach him names of things, of toys and objects, and have him go find them and bring them to you. Games.


New member
I am so sorry, Stacey. Your poor Hemi -- but you love him and want the best for him. Newfs have so many ortho issues. I haunted this forum reading everything I could to make sure I didn't do anything to jeopardize my perfect boy -- and then he bleached out with vitiligo. Things happen beyond our control, and we can only adjust and make the best of life.

Those stairs are massive, hard for a human to use, but Orka is like a mountain goat. But he cannot be out in sunshine or hot weather. So we live like vampires half the year. The night life.

You'll have to find fun new things for Hemi that are level and easy. New smells, new places. Riding in a canoe or boat. Being love bugged in a new grassy park. Swimming in a pond. Easy gentle obedience training, not too many sits or downs in a row.

You can teach him names of things, of toys and objects, and have him go find them and bring them to you. Games.
Great ideas. Just yesterday we explored a new town together. Lots of scents, sights, people...lots to mark too! ;) He has to make sure everyone knows "Hemingway was here." He is a very clever boy which is a joy to observe.


New member
Great ideas. Just yesterday we explored a new town together. Lots of scents, sights, people...lots to mark too! ;) He has to make sure everyone knows "Hemingway was here." He is a very clever boy which is a joy to observe.
That's great Stacey, it's nice to see a post where you are finding the great things about your dog. Everyone has frustrating moments with them but overall, they give so much more than they take.


New member
well, Cindy you should read through several of my last posts where I'm enjoying my dog. a couple of videos, even. yup sometimes I actually like him, if you can believe it.