Ladder Climbing Newf


We were playing hide and seek with Bear in the back yard yesterday. My daughter hid in her clubhouse(the kind with a small ladder swing and slide) Bear found her pretty easy since she could not stop giggling. I hid once and he was so convinced I was in the same place he jumped up on the ladder to look in.....then jumped up and climbed the ladder! Well how on earth do you get a 125 pound Newf out of a clubhouse? The slide of course. He seemed to actually like it. We should have taken some pictures, he looked kinda funny up there.

Anybody's Newf climb something weird?


New member
I believe there is a thread somewhere about Cimorene's similar antics. Even a video. Difference is Cimorene is nowhere near 125 pounds. She's a pup. It must be something to see 125 pound newf in a clubhouse :)


New member
We had a cocker/collie who used to regularly climb the ladder into our little clubhouse (waaaaaaay back, when I was a kid). We didn't have a slide, though, so we had to carefully hand her back out to our dad, who lifted her down.


New member
Haha! I'm just glad to see that someone else plays hide and seek with their dogs. :) Granted I have no children or any other excuse, but Jake thinks it's really fun.


New member
My late Trouble used to like to climb all over the jungle gym at the park down the road, then go down the slide. I STARTED her in agility classes, which she really seemed to enjoy, then, as usual, she went into season and we had to stop. :(