Just Saying....


New member
When we brought Jack, our berner, home 5+ years ago I was head over heels in love. And over the early years of having him, I couldn't imagine ever wanting a different breed of dog. He was perfection wrapped in fur and I was hooked...berners were the only breed for me. Fast forward to 2 years ago. My aunt had a newfy puppy that needed rescued and she (SueM) claimed the puppy had to come live with me. After a week of thinking about it, I told her no. I didn't want another dog...I didn't want to upset the perfect balance we had here with Jack and our cats. She persisted, and I caved. My hubby always wanted a newf and a second dog, so my aunt and hubby were very persuasive. Ok, we'll provide this newfy puppy with a new home, a forever home.

Forward to today. Macy the newf has completely stolen my heart. As I bathed her today and she sat there so patiently and kissed my face every chance she got, my heart sang. I'm saying to you all, cause you all understand, there is just no love better than the love of a newf. There is no sweeter dog than the newf. I love this girl to pieces and I thank SueM for convincing me I needed her as much as she needed me. Jack is still perfection in fur, but Macy is perfection in fur X 2! How did I get so lucky?? I love my fur family. I'm just saying....


New member
You can never have enough perfection in fur!!!! Each breed will bring their own flavor of love into your life! So glad you made the decision for a Newf.


Active member
newfs are special, they capture our hearts and if we can joke about the amount of drool they produce then you know you're hooked


New member
Aww.. made me all fuzzy-feeling inside reading that story.
Isn't it just the greatest thing? I know exactly what you mean.
YAY for Aunt Sue's persistence.


New member
I knew you all would relate. She just looks at me with those eyes and my knees buckle. Bernernewf...I know what you mean. My berner is a sweetheart, a silly, goofball sweet. He shows his sweetness in an exhuberant way, with his whole body. Macy has a quiet, gentle sweetness about her that I can't explain, I can just feel it. She is a very soulful companion. She is my heart dog.


New member
Well said!

Each critter that we've added to our family brings something different and special to us. We've had many dogs over the years, from mutts to purebreds, and the newfs are my very favorite, too.


New member
Lori I know EXACTLY how you feel. Murphy is such a love and a wonderful dog...when he's happy his entire body shows...he wiggles all around and wags furiously. He is so bouncy and silly and just happy to be here. He is wonderful! But Bella is my heart. She is much gentler and softer in her affection. She wags in big slow sweeping wags and gentle rests her head on my leg for pets. She quietly follows me everywhere I go and curls up near my side of the bed each night. There is something so gentle and soft yet so reassuring and completely loving about her. She has my heart in a way I don't think any other dog ever will and I can't imagine a better dog than her. I love Murphy with all my heart but they are very different and their differences are something I would never trade....I am in love with both breeds and can't imagine not having both in my home.


New member
Lori, what a wonderful story about your furkids..thanks for sharing...and, perhaps it's time to think about adding another one to our family!


New member
Awwww.....I know just what you mean. In the short year that we've had our rescue newf, he's had everything thing under the sun go wrong. You know what, I still love him and love the newfie in him and can't wait to have another. Hubby is even warming up to him and I think I've talked him into a second.

I friend of mine is getting a dog so she can do the Paws for Reading program (and she wants a dog!). She saw the dogs 101 show about newfs and has asked me countless questions about my newf. Then she mentioned the drool and I told her that it really is awful, unbelievable and everywhere. She said she didn't think she could deal with it. I told her then a newf wasn't for her. She asked me what kind of dog I'd get now, if I could have any breed I wanted. I told her I would in a heartbeat get another newf. ( I hate the drool, too, but the love of a newf is worth it. )

And your aunt is awesome!


New member
Yes, that is it with the difference between Berners and Newfs. I always tell my husband there is nothing like a Newf....and there is nothing like Loki! My Berner has quite the personality!!!

They have some new pics up at their blog:
