Introducing our newest baby boy....


New member
We got the BEST Christmas present this weekend....a Beautiful Baby Boy (formally known as "Purple boy" - he is the brother to the beautiful Hazel & Buzz) We have yet to officially name this cutie-pie (as we cannot seem to ALL agree on one - I swear it was easier naming my children!!!) but he is already LOVED to pieces!!! Luci is in HEAVEN having a little baby brother! Here are a few pics we just took....I guarantee there will be a ton more!!! :)


Thule's Mom

New member
He's gorgeous! Now, as for a name, you have Luci, how about Luke? A newfy would come by it honestly.. the newfoundland folk song "Lukey's Boat".


New member
Okay.. that's just too cute. I know the name frustration... we must have gone through a list of a hundred. Congratulations on your new pup.