Injury by Newf


New member
so, I'm getting ready to meet my hubby at the gym and thought I'd kick the soccor ball with Riki in the back yard before I left. so, as all us newf parents know, sometimes once the newf gets running the momentum takes over and their body is moving too far ahead of them to stop. KABLOOM :oops:
down I go, I hear crack crack crack or crunch crunch crunch, not sure which it actually was...and I can't get up. I was home alone so I am praying my neighbor in the two story is looking out her back window. Oh, No, she wasn't. Riki thinks I'm playing and is licking me all over. I'm crawling into the house to get to the phone to have someone take me to the hospital.
6 hours later and one broken knee later, I am typing on Percocet! They gave me the pain pill as I left. Hellloooooo, I coulda used it at 5:00 and not 11:00 when I'm leaving. so, now I have to go to an ortho to make sure I don't need surgery!
what a day!!
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New member
Dear Mikey,

Im sorry I knocked you over. Sometimes I just get so excited because I have so much fun when I am with you. I never meant to be that rough. I love you so much and I'm really sorry that I hurt you.


R Taft

Active member
Oops.............Hoping it all goes well with the Ortho and that it is only a minor setback :hugs:
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New member
You were gettin smooches cause
someone was being sorry!!


New member
I'm so sorry Mom! I was too focused on the ball and didn't see you standing there. :icon_lamer: In all seriousness, I hope you heal up quickly and no surgery is needed.


New member
Ouch...for sure you didn't look like a happy camper...hope you're able to heal without surgery...good luck with the Orthopedist!


New member
I'm so sorry. I would like to hear how you explained it to the doctor! Anyway, this happened to me and Allie cracked a bone in my knee. I didn't need surgery, but had to be very careful in that any additional crack would have necessitated surgery. Let us know what you hear and be very careful!!!


New member
Oh my gosh! That must have been SO painful. Winston and Millie are super about not bumping into me, but I've been hit by shorter/faster dogs THREE TIMES at the dog park this year. Twice in the knee -- left me doubled over in pain but was able to recover OK. And one time twisted my ankle so badly I was hitting the leftover hydrocodone and had to take three days off from my job (parenting!) and was on bedrest ...

Yours sounds very serious ...I hope no surgery is required.



New member
Sorry to hear about your knee. I hope you don't need surgery. I definately understand what you meant by...sometimes once the newf gets running the momentum takes over and their body is moving too far ahead of them to stop.