He wasnt a newf but he was as sweet as one


New member

On the first day he was born his mamma brought him to me and gently set him in my lap as if to say this one is very special. Cow was a very special cat everyone he met was his friend he was even loved by people who didnt like cats. He would let anyone just pick him up and pet the fur off of him... After just getting over being very sick and daily tongue baths from Thomas the newf and some antibiotics he spang back to health with the new spring and was doing great, he was like a kitten again.

Tragically he was hit and killed by a car last night and a very good neighbor found him and called the phone number in his collar...

Rest in Peace Buddy you will be missed by everyone

Thomas is still waiting by the door for you to come home....


Active member
deepest sympathies as its horrible to lose them, at least you know what happened to him as it would have been worse if the person hadnt called and let you know.

Henrys Mom

New member
I am so sorry. I love kitties and I know how you feel. Losing a loved one is never easy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about Cow. It's very hard to lose one of our fur-kids. They take a piece of us with them. He's an angel now watching over you all.

Sandra McGinty

New member
My heart is crying for you and precious Cow -- we have 6 cats and lost our only inside/outside cat, Louie, last summer. We unfortunately never found him. Sleep well, little kitty. sandy and the fur gang


New member
I am so sorry. Newf or not, dog or not, it breaks our hearts when one of them leaves us. I'm glad your neighbor was kind enough to let you know what happened. We are all thinking of you here.

R Taft

Active member
I am so sorry for your loss.............And poor Thomas waiting, that is so sad. Another Rainbow Angel to play chase with all the newfound friends...........


New member
Such a wonderous, wise and wandering traveler he was..and lucky your family to have had the gift of a cat so innately-tuned..so as to reach out to all. He comes..from a long line of ..'Cat'..and as he..goes forward..even now..there will be a call, going out..that another will come in one way, or two..to share the bounty and the love you have to give. You nurture well, hugs, ina n HB n Kesa