Finn and Ali


New member
Well as you can see Finn (13 weeks) and Ali (10+) are getting on like a house on fire. He really has given her a new lease of life! :hugs:

Milly-on the other hand-keeps well out of it! :fce32f95:


R Taft

Active member
Ali is another sweet "uncle" for another cute puppy...........I just love seeing these happy snaps


New member
Oh my goodness, Finn is going to be a big boy. Love Ali's face, she looks so patient with her new charge.


New member
Ali is extremely patient. She lets him climb over her, pull her ears and generally be a pest. We have to step in when we feel he is being too rough.


New member
Very cute! Finn and Ali, the names, make me think of The Notebook...Finn being Noah's best friend and Ali being Noah's girlfriend.