Fargo and Sadie's Swim Lesson


New member
We took Fargo and Sadie down to the lake today for their first swim lessons with their new life vests.


Oh my gosh! I CAN swim!!!

Swimming with the bumper:

Bringing it to mom:

Like my 'do??


Fargo's motto is WooHoo Water!!!

I don't need no stinkin' bumper!

Daddy doesn't need saving:

Are you sure about that Daddy??



New member
These are adorable. So, Fargo isn't the wimp we were afraid he was :goofy: Sadie is one heck of a swimmer, too! Where's sweet Ursa??


New member
Being able to enter on a slope and not being able to see the depth of the water made all the difference in the world for Fargo!

Sadie wouldn't go out as far as her brother but she did very well considering that's the first time she's ever gone in where she couldn't touch the bottom.

Have to add this last pic of Sadie.

Ursa didn't get to go this time. Mom and Dad ran out of steam!
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New member
Awww. I love this last picture.

Hey, it took Darcy three months to figure out those steps in the pool! A natural slope just makes more sense to a smart dog! I love that picture of Fargo we have of when he jumped in the pool and ... oops. How do I get out? It's priceless. He's priceless :heart: At least he jumped in. Darcy won't do that.


New member
Don't feel bad, Dianne. There was no way Miss Sadie was jumping in! Daddy had to hold onto her life vest for the first few minutes.

btw - love your new avatar! Darcy and Sadie almost look like sisters!


New member
Isn't it just the best feeling in the world when they take their first full on swim?
I was so excited and the people around us thought I was some sort of nut case....
I guess I need to get Pae a vest. She really was a little motor boat out there. I may not even bother..
These are adorable shots!!


New member
Yay! The life vests allow them to be a bit more confident and once they've got confidence in the water..watch out! Great job!


New member
Ya'll come down to Texas........we've got plenty of lake to spare, and we could throw a Newfie party done Texas style! (BIG!) :)


New member
I'll have to get the Doggy Daddy to post the videos that we took during today's swim lessons.