Cadie is out of surgery and here's what happened...


New member
So Cadie was diagnosed with a grade 2 luxating patella, as I posted a month or two ago. X-rays also showed a twisted femur that the vet wouldn't know for sure until she was operating if she would need to break that. The common procedure for lux. pat. is to deepen the grove that the patella sits in. To do that was the best case scenario, adding a break to the femur would be only if absolutely necessary. A further issue would be if there was already a cruciate tear that would be discovered during surgery. Well, as it turns out, Cadie's groove was perfectly deep enough, but her twisted femur was making it luxate. So she had to break the femur. Then, the cranial cruciate ligament showed degenerative changes, so she had to have a TPLO as well, breaking the tibia. My poor sweet baby girl - a solid 3 months of recovery and god help me if it doesn't take. The surgeon said her "recumbent position" is very good (a post-operative indicator of making the needed changes).

I am sooo mad at that stupid woman who was "too cheap" ( her words) to spay her young newf female with an intact newf male in the house. She has 3 Newfs, now 4 as she kept one of the litter, and didnt know a rat's behind about breeding or complications that can arise. Her response? Her dogs are fine. Course both parents were under two years of age so even if they could have been certified eventually, she would never pay for it. I obviously didn't know about breeding issues etc...when not done the "right" way. These people were friends of a friend and so I trusted them and I got a good price. My $400 newf cost me $5000! I do have insurance and while the money part sucks, it's the suffering of my most darling, sweet baby girl. Don't worry, the female was spayed during her c-section.


New member
I hope Cadie's suffering is short-lived and the surgery is deemed a success. I'm just glad she was insured.


Active member
Best wishs for a quick and easy useful and most vital piece of equipment l had with Maxs surgerys was a ruffwear harness to assist in walking and moving also helped me control him more.

Glad you got insurance at least its one less worry.

Also sometimes its luck of the irish even with good breeders.Max's mum and dad had every check going and yet he is still our £10,000 pup


New member
Hoping for a smooth recovery for Cadie! Poor girl, can't be fun with all that bed rest.

Sorry to hear about your experience with her breeder too :( xx

Jager's Mom

New member
My $400 newf cost me $5000! I do have insurance and while the money part sucks, it's the suffering of my most darling, sweet baby girl.
I feel for you and your baby... We've been in the same boat... I'm at $15,000 for my Bear (and NO insurance....UGH! Next Newf, WILL have insurance!!!) The suffering he's had to endure (3 eye surgeries, hernia surgery and both knees TPLO...among other issues).

Hang in there....hugs to you and your baby.
Boy sorry to read this. Heal quick! But how lucky she is to have a human who is willing to spend the $$$ to make it right. Could you imagine what might have been your Newf's life had been like with a not so loving home?


New member
So sorry for your sweet girl having to go through is very sad when they are hurting...they truly are our babies!! Hoping for successful healing and an easy recovery!


New member
Thank you everyone! Se is still at vets, for the 3rd night! She isn't putting her foot down at all and the vet determined the angle is a bit off, so she needed to make a little adjustment (requiring surgery today!). Grrrrrrr! But I won't be charged for that -we r already at over $5000! I miss my baby girl!!


New member
Oh, wow. This is just awful. Hope all adjustments are successful for your sake as well as hers.


Active member
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry. I can't imagine having all that done (and my guy had a "super" TPLO) let alone go back in! Is this an ortho vet??


New member
Thank you everyone! Se is still at vets, for the 3rd night! She isn't putting her foot down at all and the vet determined the angle is a bit off, so she needed to make a little adjustment (requiring surgery today!). Grrrrrrr! But I won't be charged for that -we r already at over $5000! I miss my baby girl!!
Three nights, ugh! I hope you get her home soon!!!


New member
Hi everyone, thank you for your kind sentiments!
Maggie, yes it is an ortho vet and has a good reputation!

The Dr. called a little while ago - there was an emergency so she couldn't work on Cadie til late this afternoon so she said to expect Cadie will be there tomorrow night as well! I've had her just over a year and never been a night without her. Normally I wouldn't mind a short break, but not under these circumstances!