BREAKING: Underground Gift Exchange Causes Dog To Go Insane


New member
Think I'll hide it behind this tree. Nope. Too much dog hair under it:

Maybe I can find a place over here somewhere:

OH! I'll put it on the couch! (She did actually set it there last night as if to put it to bed.)

I need to take it outside. For some reason:

Fine. Then open THIS door:

I'll just stand here for the next month or so:

What is the going rate for dog psychologists? Anyone? Gitche?


New member
Oh Darcy! It is so HARD keeping those beloved gifts away from the other rascals in the house. Standing there for a month oughta do the trick!


New member
oh my , darcy looks so concerned about her baby , i cannot be of any help as it took saska almost 4 months to calm down over his monkey , its two years on now , floof monkey is still taken everywhere, and never never chewed , good luck ,

KS Newf

New member
This is hilarious - great captions! Plus, the captions are right on - I just know it!! This type of shenanigan goes on here as well. Wonderful start to the day!! Thank you!!


New member
Pooka had that monkey. He would whine every time it went off, and he carried it around just like that and nursed it, etc.

Unfortunately the only thing that cured his madness was when the voicebox on the monkey broke.


New member
Awww, being a Momma is really hard work, Darcy. You worry about those kids from dawn to dusk. Isn't there a 'Monkey Day Care' nearby? After all you ARE a working breed Mom.


New member
Oh Darcy you silly girl.. Momma will buy you all the babies you want. Just look at her with that face !!!:heart:


New member
Is she afraid to let it out of her sight, so nobody snatches it? Or is she just that attached to it?

We had a shepherd mix who used to carry his yellow rubber duckie with him everywhere. I was sure the other big dogs in the neighborhood were laughing at the poor boy, as he got older. He even carried it around after it was headless. :)


New member
Darcy could hide it next to the grooming tools, I am sure no one would look for it there! :clown: Very cute photos and captions!