Ben is not quite sure what happened.


New member
Ben, you are too cool, you & Merlin have to sit down together & have a couple of cold ones.


New member
I don't blame you, Ben! You must have downed quite a few Bud Lights during the first half-that was a scary game! :shocker:

OTOH, you could be a Packer fan-nothing scary about THAT game, lol!


New member
Awesome pics :kgo_027::kgo_027: But even from way over here in New Zealand its GO THE PACKERS........

Our national game here is called rugby... similar to nfl but none of those girly pads and helmets and not many time outs to give you a taste try these links

This one is the pre-match challenge called a HAKA (har-car) our national team is in black and are playing against england it then shows you some scoreing highlights of the game)