Backyard Fun (Pic Heavy)


New member
Things continue to go really well since we've taken Helo in. Him and Husker are best buds. We can't imagine life without him!

It finally warmed up to 22f today (yippie!) and Terry and I decided that it was a perfect opportunity to get some pics of the boys in the backyard...

Husker and Helo excited to have Daddy outside to play with them.

Game on!

Isn't Helo handsome?

Helo thinks fetch is one of the greatest games ever invented.

Look at me! Look at me!

Throw it Daddy! Throw it!

Chase is just as fun as fetch!
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New member
They look great together. I'm so glad they have each other. What a wonderful addition to your family.


Active member
Awwww. Darn it. That head shot makes me miss the rascal. But it sure looks like he's having the time of his life and that's all that really counts!!! Glad to see Dad still has all his limbs and you must, too, if you're taking pictures. LOL. Hope all is going well.

Piper says, "Hi, little buddy!" (Helo is actually two inches taller than Piper).

luvxl k 9

New member
Now those are two of the biggest smiles I've ever seen!!! So glad they are getting along so well and so quickly! Great pictures.


New member
They get along great, they will follow each other around for hours. They will mouth wrestle for hours, and they will sleep next to each other for hours....:D