anyone ever DOGA?


New member
A friend of mine is trying to talk me into going to an upcoming DOGA class. Not sure if this is gonna happen.

Number One. I really don't think I'm a YOGA type person. But, since I can have a pooch with me I may sign up just for the heck of it.

Number Two. I don't know which pooch I would bring with. The high energy ready to take on the world bouncing off the walls ESS? Peanut the scaredy cat shy boy? Or mellow Lacy who likes to do pretty much anything?

I'm not even sure if I could get either of the Newfs big butts into some of the positions?

Anyone ever gone to one of these classes?


Active member
No and I guess my question would be ... why? Is this for you or the dog? Is it socialization?

Anyone done this?


New member
Why? I don't know why either, a friend of mine wants to go and is trying to find another dog lover to go with her. I did ask my friend "Why?" too. Her reply, "It will be fun!":shrug:


New member
:lol:! Take Lacy...if you take Daisy it will stress you out and if you take Peans it will stress him out!
If you go you have to let us know how it was! Sounds completely crazy! :lol:


New member
Take the more laid back one. I tried it with Sadie at paws abilities this year. You can do some of the moves with large breeds. It was not really up my alley of something I would go to do on a regular basis, but it was an interesting experience.

It incorporates dog massage with stretching exercising for both the dog and yourself.


New member
My DIL who is a yoga instructor/personal trainer/boot camp instructor is trying to work out a class, but she's using her dog who is known around here as the "world's worst behaved dog", and it's not working. She can do some poses with my son's (her husband's) dog, but still not much to it as far as I can tell.


New member
You should go, sounds like fun & I'm pretty sure Lacy knows the downward dog/upward dog positions already -she could teach you! :D


New member
Nope. But I do yoga at home with an instructor, and the boys join in. For example, this is Pooka's idea of how to perform "Downward Facing Dog"



New member
Once you get into the advanced classes...things get very interesting. I certainly couldn't do this pose the first couple of months, but look at me now:



New member
She home schools, plays native flute, drums, works in the fine arts field and is a DOGA-Master....who knew....What a WOMAN!


Active member
Sharon, LMAO!

I know my chihuahua would do this. Every time she gets up she does the downward facing dog streeeeetchhhh, then a back streeeeetchhhh, and then a good little shake, and she's good to go. She'd really like DOGA!


New member
Cracking me up Tricia! LOL.

Thank you to Wayne's Kandy Girl for all of the excellent training she has been providing. First,, who knows...we're going to be world travelers...