A new Living Legend


New member
Happy 10th Birthday!

VN CH Mollybrook's Picture Perfect, CDX, WRD, DD, CGC
aka Savannah

For a healthy newf reach 10 is still an accomplishment,
but for a girl like Savannah to reach 10, to me, something short of

When Savannah was diagnosed 7 1/2 years ago with pancreatic insufficiency, then 2 years ago when we diagnosed the spondylomyelopathy in her neck, when she couldn't get up, and then this past spring when she had to have her toe amputated and it was cancer, I not sure we every see this birthday with Savannah. What a trooper this girl is. With the health problems Savannah has been through, she is doing remarkably well.

As write this, I just let her back in from laying outside in the leaves and
enjoying fresh air, she has just settled in her favorite daytime napping place - the tub!


Sheila B.

New member
Happy Birthday, Savannah! The beauty of your spirit surrounds us. :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:


New member
Happy Birthday beautiful girl! Enjoy being a living legend, it sounds like you've come through alot to get here.


New member

She's a cutie. And her 10th birthday is as much a tribute to you and the wonderful care you've given her as it is to her spirit and determination to live life!




New member
Happy Happy birthday Beautiful!!!
Senior girls rock!!!!!