2 Newfs 1 Dane.... and a Landseer??


New member
I thought when we got Dennis the Dane our family was complete.... guess I was wrong ;-) A long story involving a messy divorce and this poor baby had to be placed. I couldn't say no. Introducing Bobby aka Robert Landseer.

I couldn't wait to get out my grooming stuff, poor Bobby had mats

[Meeting the pack for the first time can sure be intimidating. Everyone came through like a trooper. I found this shot interesting with the existing dogs in shadow

giving brother Dennis Dane his first kiss

Jeffrey & Bobby checking each other out

Ahhhh, 2 hours of brushing later
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New member
I love that picture of all of the dogs together. It looks as though the black dogs are some sort of panel deciding whether they approve of the newcomer. Good luck with him :)


New member
Great pictures! Congrats on your new addition. Looks like Bobby is going to fit right in with your pack. Lucky boy! :kgo_027:

KS Newf

New member
He is gorgeous!! It does look like the "originals" are having an important conference!! Too funny!!


New member
How old is he, Kathi?
He's almost a year.

What a great first day we had. Dennis in particular has taken him under his wing. They're really enjoying playing together. Today Bobby will learn about the pool... traditionally Olivia's Domain, we'll see if she shares as well as the boys have been.

My husband has taken to calling him Robert with the french pronounciation.... Roebear (ack).

The house does seem a little smaller this morning, but it's filled with love.