Search results

  1. Patricia

    Edward is in love...

    Edward has developed an obsession with all black, and especially chocolate, labradors. Whether they are male or female appears to be irrelevant! A couple of months ago we met a chocolate lab in the woods, I think she was very close to her heat as he just went nuts for her and tried (in a very...
  2. Patricia

    Allergy elimination diet (long)

    Hi, Edward has had occasional flare ups of horrible skin since he was a puppy. It gets really itchy, then he starts getting a hotspot, then it goes all crusty everywhere if I'm not quick enough getting rid of the hotspot. I groom him regularly, and have a blower that I use after every walk so...
  3. Patricia

    Terrible twos...

    Hello, I have been reading previous posts on the terrible twos...I had been feeling really smug actually as Edward had a naughty phase at about 9 months, but got over it very quickly. I stupidly thought that was adolescence over with. He's 18 months old now. He is still being very good in the...
  4. Patricia

    test pic

  5. Patricia

    Eye lump

    Hello everyone, Edward has a lump under/on his lower eyelid (like a small pea). It doesn't seem to be irritating him and there's no discharge at all. I only noticed it this morning. The vet has said to keep monitoring it for a week, if it's still there or growing she'll refer us to an eye...
  6. Patricia


    This morning I gave my husband a lift to work, thinking I'd walk Edward on the way home in the forest just outside Amsterdam. I got completely, hopelessly lost :darn:, there weren't any sign posts anywhere and I got distracted trying to get away from a man with his VERY unfriendly dog...2.5hours...
  7. Patricia


    Here are a few of Edward doing some of his favourite things...
  8. Patricia

    Bad dog! long...

    This week we started going to behaviour class again, Edward did really well when we were there on Monday, perfect stay and recall. It was too good to be true...this morning he woke me up by howling continuously for 30 mins, then he was the naughtiest he has ever been at the woods where all the...
  9. Patricia

    Adult coat?

    Hi, Just wondering, at about what age should Edward have his full adult coat? He's 17 months at the moment, most of his back has shiny guard hairs, but not down his sides. He has no feathers at all on his back legs yet, and some fluffy old red fur on his chest and shoulders (though no nearly so...
  10. Patricia

    Wierd after being left at kennels

    Hi, We left Edward for 2 days at a new kennel (lots of space and other friendly dogs). We picked him up this morning, he's obviously exhausted, but also has been behaving a bit strangely. He peed in his sleep a little bit, which he's never done before - do you think he was just too tired to...
  11. Patricia

    Help with boarding UK

    Hi, I'm back in England for a while, and I have to leave Edward from Thursday 6th May to Sunday 9th May. I have found somewhere I'm sort of happy with, but I was wondering if there was anyone in the South East who could give me a good recommendation for kennels, or if there was anyone here who...
  12. Patricia

    Frustrated annoying teenager

    Hi, I just want to moan. I had such an annoying horrible walk this morning. It all started off so nice. Edward had a swim, greeted some children nicely and had a play with some dogs. Then, another dog (off the lead) came round the corner, they greet each other, and then the other dog starts...
  13. Patricia

    Was Tug ever found?

    I was searching for something newf related earlier and came up with loads of stories about a missing newf, Tug or Johnny, who was lost a couple of years ago in Chicago. Does anyone know if he was ever found? Tricia
  14. Patricia


    I've been teaching Edward some little tricks, twirl and spin, close the door, bow etc. Does anyone have any really good tricks their Newfies can do? Teaching him something new on a wet afternoon wears him out! Tricia
  15. Patricia

    Hi from The Netherlands

    Hello, I'm the proud owner of 1 year old Edward. He is in the middle of his terrible teens - some days he is as good as gold, and other days REALLY naughty! Any advice to keep me sane for his teenagehood? Tricia