Frustrated annoying teenager


New member

I just want to moan. I had such an annoying horrible walk this morning. It all started off so nice. Edward had a swim, greeted some children nicely and had a play with some dogs. Then, another dog (off the lead) came round the corner, they greet each other, and then the other dog starts snapping at him, but he won't leave it alone. I go to get him, and the other dog's owners tell me that she's in heat!! I manage to get him on the lead, and hold him until they've disappeared, and then he pulled and ran as hard as he could, I had to let go, he raced round the corner out of sight after this dog, with me running after him. Got to them, grabbed hold of the lead, and said "Hmm, guess he knows what heat smells like!". Is it me, or were they being really stupid?
I managed to hold on to him this time, but for the whole of the rest of the walk my normally well behaved obedient dog was a wild monster! Yanking and pulling towards everything!



New member
no, they were not being really stupid...they were being stupid to the point they should be beaten. I don't know what you call that. Having their bitch in heat in a park, let alone unleashed and roaming free was beyond stupid and irresponsible. they both reacted in kind...that is normal..She wants to be mated, and he would like to do the mating, which is exactly how nature intended it to be.

that other owner was beyond stupid. I have trouble controlling my urge to not smack people like that.
Ahh spring is in the air. :) Sorry just some of warped sense of humor.

Nothing worse than when your own dog normally well behaved, catches you off guard, and gets away with a unexpected lurch. Glad he or you wasn't hurt. My problem is cats lurking in the dark or in things that I do not see. The people with the dog in heat were definitely in the wrong!!

M & M's Mom Linda

New member
Tricia...I don't think you should beat yourself or Edward up at did nothing wrong and he was only acting the way a intact male would. How stupid of the owners! hopefully the owners are "fixed"


New member
I've got to go with Linda- hope they're fixed. That's beyond stupid, so far beyond there are no words- at least on a family site.


New member
Yeah, that is just CRAZY!!! What were those people thinking???? I don't think this encounter has anything to do with teenage puppy behaviour. He was just reacting to the female. Those people are idiots.