When do "puppy uglies" come in?


New member
At what age does the Newfie get all gangly and awkward looking? Is my boy such a masterpiece that he NEVER got the puppy-uglies, (not that a mom would ever see it that way!) or has he just not gotten to that stage yet? He will be 10 months old on the 19th.... and to me, he has always looked perfect.... it's probably just me... (wish I had better pictures)

Just wonderin'......



Active member
sorry no such thing as an ugly newf, Beau from 5 1/2 months old onwards has always looked beautiful to me though sometimes alittle lopsided when his back end is taller than the front..he looks fine to me


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We just went through the gangling, awkward, ugly stage. I think some do and some don't. I noticed it more with my landseer than with my black Newf.


New member
Buddy is still in that stage, but he is a questionable newf. I have seen some that grow very quickly all at once, and then they get the puppy uglies, but the ones that grow slow and steady don't seem to get it. Also, if your pup has a nice thick coat, it helps mask them.


Active member
You mean you skipped the gorilla face stage!!! NOT FAIR. He looks great and I don't see a trace of the puppy uglies in him.


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I think we are full force in the gorilla face stage....but to me she's the prettiest thing I've ever seen!!! I suspect the gangly-ness only because she's not the most graceful dog I've ever had!!

And he is beautiful!!


New member
He looks so awesome! He is almost the same age as our girl and I don't think she really went through any "uglies" either. She does seem tall right now, but she has lots of filling out to do.

Your boy is a beautiful Newf. Do you know how tall he is and how much he weighs. I am just curious as he's almost the same age as our girl.


New member
I don't think there such a think as an ugly Newf. Just developing. Full coats hide a lot of "growing".


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Maybe it's in the genes, Cooper is TALL, but he never really got gangly or awkward looking either.

But I have to say Skooks is Gorgeous!!!! You must be THRILLED with him!


New member
puppies ugly?? WHAT?? Never...
but with that said Lola got baboon face for a couple weeks around 4 months old.
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New member
There is no such thing as an Ugly Newf, now the owners, that's a different story..........:uglyhammer:


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Gosh, I don't recall Poseidon ever going through "puppy uglies", unless you're referring to when they lose the puppy fuzz. Even then, Poseidon always seemed proportionate, a real head turner.


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I can tell you there definitely is such a thing as "puppy uglies"! My sweet Hannah had them BAD! LOL.
She was a gloriously beautiful little puppy. Beautiful movement, just floated. Wonderful coat. Lovely balance. Then somewhere around the seven month mark, she went away..
In her place I had a pup who was all legs, taller in the back than the front, and who somewhat favored a labradoodle. I prayed she wouldn't trip over herself and fall down the stairs.
But I didn't panic...I knew my beautiful girl was still in there somewhere, just going through a metamorphosis. Sure enough, when she hit about a year, she emerged again, better than ever.
So don't fear the uglies! Some are over it quick, and for some it lasts longer. But all will be well in the end and you will pretty much have what you did at eight to ten weeks or so.

Skookie is a lovely boy..no uglies anywhere there that I can see!
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New member
Annie has been in the gangly stage now for about a month and she is around 7 months old. Right now her legs look to long for her body. I went through this with Charlie but Arnold didn't have this stage at all. Yours looks beautiful and I would think if he was going to go through the "uglies" he would have by now.


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Poor Murphy had a head the size of Alaska.. Thankfully the rest of his body caught up and he grew into it .... but we were nervous for a while.:lol::lol:


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I have a boy here..who is now 11 months old...no gorilla face, but for the last three months, we have been calling him "the foal"..because that's exactly what he resembles!! That's him on my avatar, at 4 months.


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Jill was none too pretty from about 5 to 7 months. She resembled an orangutan! Frightening to say the least. I'd say she's a pretty girl now.


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"Do you know how tall he is and how much he weighs. I am just curious as he's almost the same age as our girl. __________________

He is about 28" at the shoulder... 4 weeks ago he weighed 112 lbs, but I think he's probably a little more by now.


New member
Mira looked like a Lab/Flatcoat Retriever mix for ages (probably about 6-7 mos)! It started around 6 mos of age. Finally she started looking like a Newf. And now, she's a beautiful, well proportioned girl.

Molly (our Landseer) only went through that stage for about 2 mos. She always grew evenly, and never looked like anything except a beautiful Newf. Between 5-7 mos her head hadn't "widened", but right around the 7 month mark, it did. She never got lanky or gangly. But...she was the one who had a tendency to weight gain.

Cole went through the "gorilla face" stage at around 7-12 mos. His "hairline" floof moved back and he looked downright goofy. He had floof from the middle of his head back...sticking straight up. None in the front. hahaha! And he was long and lanky. However at about a year old, his head filled out, his front floof came back, and his body started to fill out as well.

All three are from different lines, and they truly grew differently, at different rates. Same goes for their coats.
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