Water Dog??


New member
Kiefer has been knocking over the water bowl and laying down in the resulting puddle. Steve decided to give him his own "wading pool."

Hey Mikey, he likes it!!! :clown:



New member
Oh he is just adorable, I love the face expressions......looks happy with his water


New member
Ginny, we gave our wading pool away when Gigi outgrew it. In a couple of weeks he'll be introduced to the pond!

Hey Sue Lynn, yep that's what *most* Newfy pups do, however... The first time Kiefer got his front paw wet, he shook it off with a look of "ew, ew... get this OFF of me!!!" Ummm.. not a good sign for a dog you're planning on putting water titles on!!! :tongue:

Given his mother's strong love of water, I had to promptly blame it on the sire! :)

Later came to find out that it wasn't ew, ick water.. it's that his sire was extremely clean, and Kiefer seems to have that trait. You never saw anyone as happy as I when he started playing in his water bowl! Not to mention that it was very much encouraged!!!! :)

Stinker?? Aw Glory, what would make you say that??? :devil3:


New member
They definitely love their water. Sebastian has been doing the same exact thing ever since the car ride home! Slept the whole time with at least his ear in the water dish :p
I think it's adorable.. until he does it in the house, and I seem to always step in the puddle with socks on :rolleyes:

Kiefer is one cute puppy! Love the curls! Lots of hugs and kisses :hugs: