Update on Toby's first day of school.....


New member
Well, if you watched the movie Marley and Me, you will identify with this story.....
First of all, Toby was pulling like a horse when we arrived.....distracted by everything and everyone....
Entered the barn where the other five owners were with their nice pups and the Instructor in the middle guiding us to our spot.....but not without struggle as Toby had a spot of his own....yep, he wanted to pull me across the barn....
Anyway....we stand there....I try to have him sit....no response. Oblivious to me....totally zoned out.
A female assistant instructor comes over to assist us in having him take treats and suggests that we just give him treats for anything and not to worry about doing anything and rewarding....he doesn't want my treats...won't even look at me. OK then she says Here , let me try, she offers him treats , he takes them, Good boy she says.....he then jumps her....My husband thankfully was there and holding him at the time....pulls him off and she then retreats to the other side of the barn.
Whew.....not good.
so the class proceeds.....I'm trying to get his attention but no way, no how , he is not even acknowledging my existence....:cry:
So hubby and I figure we would watch and try to grasp some of the instruction he was giving and not to bother with trying to have him do much of anything while we were there....of course he starts to bark and we couldn't hear anything....Hubby holding him, standing his ground and he wanted to run up to everything in the room.....then while I'm holding him he gets away from me....there I am like a fool chasing his leash trying to grab it....
finally got him
then back to our spot.....
about the end of the class I think we had about 5 minutes of attention from him where I was able to have him sit, look at me and then click and treat......
What a nightmare...
A very nice assistant by the name of Julian did give us some moral support by telling us he would improve but Wow was I embarrassed.....
Yes big Animal Control officer that I am, could not control my own dog.....
Hope the next class is better.....



Active member
Hang in there...it will get better. One thing I remember that I had to do in the beginning to get Rocky's attention and keep it was to change the treats to small boiled chicken pieces. Aside, from all the extra drool and that it was a little messier it worked wonders! good luck :)


New member
Look at it this way, it can only get better!!

Of course, I had a German Shepard mix that was asked to leave obedience school because he "had reached his potential." We tried to teach him stay for 2 years, but he refused because he wanted to be glued to my leg.

Julie Fred

New member
I can relate. I had the same problem with my girl. She would focus on other things and did not want my treats and seemed she did not know I was there. I had to get better treats. We are doing better and I am sure you will too. Hang in there!!!!


Active member
try chopped liver, cheese or ham, dont worry we've been there too just keep working on him . It won't be instantaneous but its a new situation for him and once he learns to settle a little the he will start paying more attention.

First class is a bit like a kid in a sweetshop , they want to be everywhere

R Taft

Active member
Like I said............It won't happen overnight, but with lots of time and dedication, it will happen.........You made the first step, now keep taking those steps, no matter how small they are and even if some are backwards. Just keep taking them, Ronnie


New member
Baby Hueys first time at puppy class was a bark-fest, no one could hear what the instructor was saying! Needless to say he did eventually calm down and by the end of the six weeks was doing just fine....I didn't think he would ever stop the barking but the class was good socialization for him, and very tasty treats help. Hang in there, you will do fine :nod::nod::nod:


Active member
dont worry took us 6 weeks before we could introduce Merlin to the class as he reacted to every dog. He was bitten by a staffie when a pup .

So just keep perservering

Brody the Newf

New member
I came home from Brody's classes in tears many a time but it does get better. Either that or you grow a thicker skin:)

Brody loves microwaved hot dogs. If I couldn't get his attention using that, nothing was going to work.


New member
It will get better. It sounds like you have a smart one on your hands. Great treats and great praise will help.. Good luck!!


New member
Our instructor has us bring them hungry (no meal beforehand) and with microwaved hotdogs, cut length-wise and then cut into small slices. So I take about 50 pieces along...2 hotdogs total. Cimorene is VERY focused on those hotdogs!


Super Moderator
It will get better.
If you feed twice a day, do NOT feed before you take him to class, so he will be hungry and eventually once he has settled down will be interested in treats.
I'm sure you will keep trying with him, it can be very embarrassing but never mind, it's all to do with him!!
I see he was a rescue, do you know anything about his background?


Active member
Hmmm. I think the assistant made a critical error in retreating across the room. Similar to what happens at home when the dog barks at the mailman who, in return, goes away. She just reinforced his behavior. Did he jump her in a threatening manner or just with enthusiasm? Was he challenging other dogs/persons in class or just wanting to visit?

I posted in your other thread (about your daughter's relationship with Toby), so go have a look at that. It may be that he has issues with human females.

Do up the ante with a variety of "people food" treats. Use soft ones as opposed to hard biscuit types. We tell our students that the dog gets to choose the treat, and that it may change from day to day or week to week. What works one time, may not work another, so always having a variety is helpful. Save the best treats for training sessions (or working with his issues) and don't use them any other time.


New member
Rescue's do take a while to fit in just be patient. I could not trust my girl Nana for almost one year she was a runner so I could not let her off the leash. Things will come together intime


New member
Think of it this way, if he acted like a perfect gentleman, and did everything you told him, he wouldn't need to be in school. He is there to learn. Don't be embarrassed.


New member
I can't help it but I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. That's only because I've been there and done that!! It does get better and I guess that's why I can laugh about it now...I've walked in those shoes and it sure isn't fun when it's happening. The thing that worked for us was to find the right treat. Sometimes I thought I had found the winner but when we got to class she acted like I was trying to poison her. Believe it or not cheese did the trick...by the end of class we were winning all the games and when it came time for her to do pass all of her requirements she did them like a pro.
Like most of the others have stated I made sure she was good and hungry before class. Good luck!!


New member
Really wish we had this type of training available in our area. We have a 6 or 8 week free training put on by the local 4-H. Pretty old school in method and with it being offered just once a year it's has way to many dogs in it.