Unbelievable - Newf Slobber Stopper


New member
You won't believe what this person has made and is trying to patent! Supposedly there is a case of them on their way to the NCA to check out at their meeting this month. They have a blog page about it:


And if you're on Facebook, there are several posts going about it in the Newfoundland Dog Owners Forum and the Newfs on the Net page. As you can imagine, everyone is upset about it.


Active member
There's another thread on NN about this. I left comments on his YouTube videos. I hope EVERYONE comments on his blog or videos.

AND, I hope the NCA cuts the free samples they get from this guy into a millions shreds and mail them back to him. Especially considering he titled an article on his blog "Newfoundland Club Of America About Dog Slobber Stopper". It implies that they endorse his product. I wish they could sue the pants off of him.
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New member
Someone tell me why these dogs are upset? My newf never smiles. She always pants? The saliva mess is a problem with my family. I read the complaints but I dont get it. They seem to be made up. Like the democrats against the republicans. Someone give me an honest opinion that makes sense. I dont bash a person without solid evidence. False Witness is a SIN. Give me a reason to be a truthful witness.


Active member
Someone tell me why these dogs are upset? My newf never smiles. She always pants? The saliva mess is a problem with my family. I read the complaints but I dont get it. They seem to be made up. Like the democrats against the republicans. Someone give me an honest opinion that makes sense. I dont bash a person without solid evidence. False Witness is a SIN. Give me a reason to be a truthful witness.
We would love to have you introduce yourself in the welcome forum. I went to your profile to learn more about you. It says you have a 2 year old MALE newf not a female.

If your dog always pants and never "smiles", I would guess that he or she (whichever) is either stressed, hot, in pain, and unhappy in some way. Perhaps you should seek the advice of a behaviorist.


New member
Someone tell me why these dogs are upset? My newf never smiles. She always pants? The saliva mess is a problem with my family. I read the complaints but I dont get it. They seem to be made up. Like the democrats against the republicans. Someone give me an honest opinion that makes sense. I dont bash a person without solid evidence. False Witness is a SIN. Give me a reason to be a truthful witness.
Don't we have a set of guidelines that prohibit discussion of religion or politics.

I see both in this post and a lot of frothy slobber. Please flush this poster.


Active member
Someone tell me why these dogs are upset? My newf never smiles. She always pants? The saliva mess is a problem with my family. I read the complaints but I dont get it. They seem to be made up. Like the democrats against the republicans. Someone give me an honest opinion that makes sense. I dont bash a person without solid evidence. False Witness is a SIN. Give me a reason to be a truthful witness.

Do you have any real questions for this forum we could help with? I wish you could take a step back from this product (I imagine you put a lot of time/money into it and want to be proud of it) but it's just not something to be proud of. I applaud your initiative to find something else if bibs don't work, but the slobber stopper isn't the answer either. I think if you could separate yourself emotionally from it just a little bit then you might actually be able to comprehend why everyone here is so against it.

I saw you posted in another spot about getting your dog more active. Do you really want help, or are you going to pawn your product more? Personally, my dog sleeps about 18 hours a day. He also snores, kicks, farts, and :)shocker:) drools. It's who he is, it's the breed he is, and I love him for it.


New member
Utah or some such place out west. And yup...Moose.

You'd think he'd have enough sense to NOT put in his profile here that he has a 2 year old Newf named Moose.....but then, we are talking about the person who "invented" something to put around his dogs mouth, thus preventing what nature intended because he was grossed out.

I would very willingly take Moose off of his hands if he's so unhappy with the poor dog. I feel horrible for him. Moose, not his delusional owner.

Jager's Mom

New member
Well said.

Do you have any real questions for this forum we could help with? I wish you could take a step back from this product (I imagine you put a lot of time/money into it and want to be proud of it) but it's just not something to be proud of. I applaud your initiative to find something else if bibs don't work, but the slobber stopper isn't the answer either. I think if you could separate yourself emotionally from it just a little bit then you might actually be able to comprehend why everyone here is so against it.

I saw you posted in another spot about getting your dog more active. Do you really want help, or are you going to pawn your product more? Personally, my dog sleeps about 18 hours a day. He also snores, kicks, farts, and :)shocker:) drools. It's who he is, it's the breed he is, and I love him for it.


Active member
My newf never smiles. She always pants?
Two possibilities. You choose:

She never smiles because you velcro her mouth shut. She is trying to pant so she can cool off. If you don't get it, give the dog away to a Newf rescue.


If she isn't velcroed shut, then she just doesn't like you. Panting is a sign of stress/ nervousness / being frightened. Give the dog away to a Newf rescue.