Tonka day


Active member
Today I wasn't feeling good at work so I left early and took Tonka to the beach for some R and R. I feel better now :) Here are some from today.

He was about to wooo wooo wooo at me:

It looks like snow but it's really sand. It was just so bright at times:

My handsome boy :hugs:


New member
Who wouldn't feel better after spending the day with the Tonka Man. He really is amazing !!!
As are your photo's. !!!!


New member
Tonka therapy

Tonka, you da man!:D He is one of the most handsome landseers I have ever seen!! Instant Therapy mom, just add newf and sand/h2o;D


New member
This boy amazes me, because if my memory serves me right, he is/or almost is a senior and although his expressions give him a very wise, regal majestic look, this boy looks as young and robust as a 3 year old!!! He is simply stunning.