The Joys of a Young Male Newf


New member
This morning was such a treat (read sarcasm)...As everyone was finishing up their breakfast, Fargo saw Sadie walk away from her bowl and quickly quit his food to see what she left (which was nothing). Ursa then immediately ran to Fargo's bowl to see the same.

Well, that didn't make Fargo very happy and while Ursa left his bowl immediately when he came back, Fargo wanted to make sure everyone understood that this was his bowl and only his bowl.....and decided to mark it.

Luckily, we caught the whole thing fast enough to stop the action but still, what fun we have in front of us as "Mr. This-Is-Mine" learns where it is appropriate to mark and where it is not.

Hopefully not too many more incidents from now.


New member
I have to chuckle.

Winston's a young male as well ... but not a marker. But his other adolescent behavior does make me roll my eyes/chuckle all day long.



New member
So, how old is your boy, NTNewf? Mine is just over 6 months old, and what a character he is! Always wants something in his mouth. Outside, he often picks up sticks or ROCKS and struts around (that worries me--I always make him drop the rocks) and parades in front of the girls (two six-year old St. Bernards) as if to impress them, but it never does... the only thing in the house he's ever destroyed is paper products. (Oh, no, that's not right--I almost forgot that he's done a pretty good job on grooming brush handles.) Kleenex boxes, cardboard, mail.... but shoes, boots, watch, socks--he just wants to carry it somewhere and lay down with it, getting it all wet.

And he sure pesters the girls. I don't know how they put up with it! A lot of flea-biting on their lips, ears, sides....


New member
You poor Dear!! That is one, and only one, thing my young boy has not done...YET. I hope he can't read, but he is so smart he probably can. I keep Nature's Miracle here by the gallon!!


New member
So, how old is your boy, NTNewf?
Fargo will be 11 months old on the 8th. He's just started the marking thing this last month (guess he figured out that he has a pair and wants to make sure others know as well). His big hangup is my shoes and flip flops.
Fargo will go find them and then give them to Sadie (almost same age) who chews them all to pieces. So far in almost 7 months, I've lost 3 sets of flip flops (and now it's getting to be summertime and need them) and two pairs of shoes.


New member
whooooooooops .hmmmmmmmmmm mark it and they will leave it alone.......tooooooooooo funny