

New member
Jess, I know exactly how much you are missing your Gabe and how much you are hurting. I can't take Nellie's food bowl off the cupboard. I cry whenever I open the closet door and see her beautiful collar that my friend made for her. She still has Vet appt. cards under a magnet on my refrigerator, her next appt. was to be today. Joann, Oso's mom, can't bear to look at Oso's toys. I am so grateful that we can come here and talk about these things, my non-dog friends just wouldn't understand. We really do understand your grief, I'm just so sorry. :hugs:


New member
Jess you never get over the loss of your pet but it does get easier over time. I still cry over my foster dogs that move onto new homes because I love them so much but I know they are in good homes. My dogs are aging and sometimes I cry when I look at them and cannot imagine life without them. They all have such an impact on our lives. Hug Murphy.


New member
I still cry when I think about losing my GSD just before I went to college. Sometimes I look at Lewis and think of the loss I know is inevitable and cry then too. Like now...time makes it easier but the time is fleeting. The joy these great beasts bring is immeasurable. Savor the joy and know that you've had something few get to know; the unbridled, unconditional love and companionship of one of the finest creations. My heart goes out to you.



New member
Honey, everyone on NN understands. We sign up for the roller coaster ride every single time: we'd never be caught without a ticket.

Here is something a famous novelist wrote, that I contend is true to the bone:

Dogs’ lives are short, too short, but you
know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog,
and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with
her, never fail to share her joy or delight in her innocence, because you can’t
support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s
such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while
always aware it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do
penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and for the mistakes
we make because of those illusions.” THE DARKEST EVENING OF THE YEAR - Koontz

May you take comfort knowing this community is standing with you. We believe your dog came to you for a reason, has departed for a reason, and some day you'll be together again. It's the 'faith' of the dog people!!


Active member
oh goodness, faith of the dog people....I just love it....I think I'm gonna use that, how beautiful....who are you...I think I must meet you.....Really Sara I'm not joking somewhere our paths must cross......could not have said it better!!!!!! Just beautiful!!!


New member
DawnMerie, I'm heading to bed at the end of this post. I'm a Unitarian Universalist (weird community, if you listen to Prairie Home Companion....but Keillor grew up on a farm where dogs had their 'places' .....OUTDOORS, only.) Many folks in this strange denomination have complete devotion to their dogs (but many more are strictly scientists), so it's quite an amalgamation of folks. Check them out. I've found more folks 'at home' with my faith of the dog people in the UU denomination in the last 40 years than I have anywhere else.

Give me a dog park, people. I'll be more in heaven there than in any cathedral!!


New member
I hold each and every 'animal' who's chosen me to share their lives with as precious and sacred, and we all understand what a gaping hole they leave when their time with us, here, is done.
But our time together is never finished for good.
There's always the next step, there's always the sunset and evening star in our own lives that mark our passage to reunite with them.
There is honour and infinite love in your tears for Gabe. And there is no time limit for grief. It is a process, and a different process for each person.
I still have Rowdy's collar.
I still have King's license.
I still have Tinkerbell's collar.
It doesn't get better. It will never get better... But it will get easier.


New member
oh jess , i can relate to how you are feeling , i cannot count the infinate number of things i miss , now that my boy is not here . Sara , beautifully said .
i know my layla is grieving so hard too , and i keep focusing on her , trying hard to help her to feel better , this helps me too , just know you are in my thoughts and prayers ,


New member
When I lost my golden, it was pesky thiings I missed as well. My heart and house were so empty without my furboy. Two months later I just had to foil that void, but I didn't think any golden could compare, so God brought Seamus to me. Wee, you know how I feel about him! And because of Seamus, I will always share my life with a newf. I'm betting in the future, you will be ready, too.

It is okay to still cry. You lost something great. It eventually will get easier. Let the tears flow and keep talking to us. We get what you are going through.


New member
Jess, my heart is breaking for you. I know how awful this is, but Gabe was such a lucky boy to have such a wonderful mom. I send you tons of hugs!!!!!


New member
Jess, my heart just breaks for you. They are taken from us way to soon from the young to the seniors. We never want to loose them. But as time goes by tears turn into memories of what beautiful souls they are. I miss the ones I have lost and still have bad day's. It does get a little easier. We are all here for you.


Active member
Just finished reading all of the wonderful posts. NN is such an awesome place, a group of people who truly do understand. Jess, Rocky and I are sending you a huge hug. :)


New member
I think you are doing all you can right now to cope. Reaching out to friends who understand, talking about special memories that you will never forget, all these things are keeping him close to you. The reason it hurts so much is because this breed is like no other, they have a special heart for their people, and that bond is so strong between us, the connection so deep, that it tears our hearts when we are apart. So keep on talking about those memories, stay connected to those who understand your feelings, leave that drool on the ceiling, cherish the time you had, and never forget that great love.


Active member
The reason it hurts so much is because this breed is like no other, they have a special heart for their people, and that bond is so strong between us, the connection so deep, that it tears our hearts when we are apart.
Very well put. They are exceptionally 'giving' dogs. You adopt a companion or a rescue, and they move right over and make room for the newcomer.

You can search your entire life for the human equivalent of what a Newf will give you every day of its life. :heart:


New member
Like others Jess I too have mourned the loss of a Newf taken way too soon (Kody) while the vets were telling me he would be fine. The hurt and missing never go away, but they do get easier to bear. I thought I would not get another but six months after Kody died I just couldn't be without one and Thunder came into our lives. He's different, he still gets called Kody sometimes (after 3 years) but we love him and he helped close the hole in our hearts just a little. We do understand, come here any time.


New member
Jess, I have no words that will offer any real comfort to you at this difficult time.

Just know that we grieve along with you and we understand.... You will never stop missing him and the hole in your heart will never go away.

BUT there will come a time when thinking of him will bring you warm and precious memories instead of the pain it does now. He will always be in your dreams, for he will never stop watching over you.


New member
Jess, I have no words that will offer any real comfort to you at this difficult time.

Just know that we grieve along with you and we understand.... You will never stop missing him and the hole in your heart will never go away.

BUT there will come a time when thinking of him will bring you warm and precious memories instead of the pain it does now. He will always be in your dreams, for he will never stop watching over you.
:hugs: Thank you.


New member
My heart is breaking for you. It does take time. I remember losing my soul Tulsa last year at this time. I still mourn for Tulsa but Gunny and Major need me. His ashes are near my computer so I know he will always be with me.
My true friends here and other places have truly supported me.
Some of my other so called friends just will never understand how unconditonally I love the Newfs and critize me for it. I don't care because I know everyone here understand that special love.
Don't feel bad about mouring, we will always be here for you. Huge hugs.


New member
you are grieving and that's okay. One day before long you will realize that you are grieving less. Then, one day you will get an inkling of an urge. Then, one day you will decide you need to have a newf in your life. Then, one day you will. Then, that day your grief will pass but your memories will remain.


New member
So sorry that you are going through this... it's so hard to miss their presence when they are gone. As days go by your heart will heal :hugs: