Slobber Stopper review


New member
Some of you may have heard of the hoopla surrounding the "Slobber Stopper" trying to be patented and sold to the public. The person who created this product has sent me protypes to try and and then to review. If interested click here

comments are welcome but I ask that you keep them to your concerns , vulgar or demeaning comments are not productive and do not get a point across that one is angered by this, Just saying you are angered by the product will surely get a good point across:)


New member
I agree Victoria, and the only time slobber bothers me is when I am fully dressed for an evening out for a function and don't quite make it to the door in time before getting that kiss goodbye! Otherwise it is no different to me than a preschoolers snot on my shoulder, well except I could actually catch a cold from a preschooler's snot:) I only did this blog because I like to review products honestly and fairly. I did not know this man from Adam and was actually shocked when I did finally see all of his videos, he probably should not own this breed. Maybe a hairless cat would be good. I can see his next product might be a one of these only for the whole body to stop shedding. Though I try to be fair and leave too much judgement out of a product I actually had hoped if I could give solid reasons of concerns he might stop from going forward. It' s easy to blast a product looking at the picture, and I did not want to seem like I was just blasting off, but surely concerned and maybe he will take this off of his own dog. I did send him a copy as I had promised him all along but I think he believed that because I was originally unbiased until I examined it, that I would give him good write up. But I told him upfront it could be good or bad. Hopefully he will allow his dog in the home without use of this device. Or at the very least find the dog a new home who loves it for who it is:) If anyone feels they can contribute to why else they think this product might be dangerous feel free to post it in the comment section of the blog. If we can do this responsibly we might change his mind and his poor dog won't be suffering the concequesces


Active member
my concerns would be lack of being able to comfortably drink, it must be hot for a newf to wear something like that and that could in turn due to the extra stress cause hot spots, breathing difficulties and god forbid if the poor thing wanted to be sick.also what about the staph and aureous infections it can cause through built up saliva.Plus there is the factor as to whether it rubs and cuts into the skin due to the fabric properties when wet.

also if the poor thing was attacked or bitten how could they defend themselves.

if it had been a device that fitted around the ears and rested under the chin I may have been more comfortable with it but to completely go around the muzzle reminds me of a muzzle to control barking .

If the inventor doesnt like slobber then he should have chosen a different breed , I take my newf as he is warts and all there is always yin to the yang and slobber is an essential part of our breeds system . I truly hope with all the negative reviews he is getting he will consider his newf and also come up with something more useful and healthier for him


Active member
I think you brought up some really good points in your review. And I'm glad you pointed people to the FB page.

Wouldn't be good for dogs with cervical neck problems and dogs that have trouble swallowing from laryngeal paralysis or megaesophagus, for example. Also, the fact that he can't get the sizing right is a major problem both safety and health-wise. I guess he never tried the new design on his own dog to see if it even fit before running to the post office???? He was in too big a hurry to "fix" his mistakes.

I felt really bad for Sally's one dog, who obviously hated the thing. I'm sure Sally's dogs are pretty patient, but this was more than he could stand. I think most Newfs are pretty darn tolerant of silly costumes and other things we make them do and wear, so this was a surprise to me.

And the debris under the mouth parts was amazing. I didn't expect that either. That would surely cause irritation or discomfort for the poor dog, not to mention being continually wet if he got a drink.

Plus, the "instruction manual" (my description) is a complete joke. There are no instructions. I'll bet that was printed on the spot. With no thought. It didn't say how long to use it or have any disclaimers of any kind. Just to put in on when friends come over so they won't be offended. WHA!!! My friends ARE my friends because they accept me, my house, my car, and my dogs. But, if anyone of them had a problem, I would be happy to agree to alternative meeting places. Otherwise I would un-friend them pretty quickly.

The insert directed you to his website which has NO instruction video that I could find. The only other instructional one, on You Tube, just shows a kid putting one on the dog. No other instructions. Another one of them says to put it on and forget it. Maybe he should invent a telepathy machine so we can read his mind. There are so many confusing and contradictory statements, that I'm astounded! It's like handing a 3 year old a box of matches and saying have fun, don't get hurt. Actually, that says MORE than his instructions. If I was going to invent a product for the general public and send prototypes to people to test in their homes, I would certainly give them all the written instructions I could so they would have a successful trial with no error.

If I had anything else to add it would be that a little child might grab the "nice doggy" by this thing and get hung up in it right next to the dogs teeth, or snap the elastic on the dogs nose, and I am sure it would breed bacteria. Not a good combo.

You made a valid point that everyone will pet your dogs even if wearing this mask. I propose that a child would not be able to distinguish a mask from a muzzle and may think that all doggies wearing similar items were nice and pet-able.
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New member
Dude's so deluded, he probably will continue to pursue this asinine and dangerous "idea" of his.
Agree. 100%! he doesnt come off as willing to listen to anyone unless you agree with him.
I dont care how polite one is.
this guy has it in his head he has invented the next "SNUGGIE."


New member
I think you brought up some really good points in your review. And I'm glad you pointed people to the FB page.

Wouldn't be good for dogs with cervical neck problems and dogs that have trouble swallowing from laryngeal paralysis or megaesophagus, for example. Also, the fact that he can't get the sizing right is a major problem both safety and health-wise. I guess he never tried the new design on his own dog to see if it even fit before running to the post office???? He was in too big a hurry to "fix" his mistakes.

I felt really bad for Sally's one dog, who obviously hated the thing. I'm sure Sally's dogs are pretty patient, but this was more than he could stand. I think most Newfs are pretty darn tolerant of silly costumes and other things we make them do and wear, so this was a surprise to me.

And the debris under the mouth parts was amazing. I didn't expect that either. That would surely cause irritation or discomfort for the poor dog, not to mention being continually wet if he got a drink.

Plus, the "instruction manual" (my description) is a complete joke. There are no instructions. I'll bet that was printed on the spot. With no thought. It didn't say how long to use it or have any disclaimers of any kind. Just to put in on when friends come over so they won't be offended. WHA!!! My friends ARE my friends because they accept me, my house, my car, and my dogs. But, if anyone of them had a problem, I would be happy to agree to alternative meeting places. Otherwise I would un-friend them pretty quickly.

The insert directed you to his website which has NO instruction video that I could find. The only other instructional one, on You Tube, just shows a kid putting one on the dog. No other instructions. Another one of them says to put it on and forget it. Maybe he should invent a telepathy machine so we can read his mind. There are so many confusing and contradictory statements, that I'm astounded! It's like handing a 3 year old a box of matches and saying have fun, don't get hurt. Actually, that says MORE than his instructions. If I was going to invent a product for the general public and send prototypes to people to test in their homes, I would certainly give them all the written instructions I could so they would have a successful trial with no error.

If I had anything else to add it would be that a little child might grab the "nice doggy" by this thing and get hung up in it right next to the dogs teeth, or snap the elastic on the dogs nose, and I am sure it would breed bacteria. Not a good combo.

You made a valid point that everyone will pet your dogs even if wearing this mask. I propose that a child would not be able to distinguish a mask from a muzzle and may think that all doggies wearing similar items were nice and pet-able.
Thanks for that input. I have to say that when I did come upon the other 5 videos after testing the product, I found him to be a joke and a person who is too macho for his own good , macho only to the extent that there is no drool on him! I have to agree with everyone when they say the dog is part of the family. I have thrown many a holiday parties here and I just tell people to wear jeans and be comfy because I have dogs that are a part of the family. People that do not like that , well they stay home, that does not insult me. Someone made a comment on my blog in the comment section who also got some samples and stated they could see using something like this while walking through a hotel only if it fit correctly , so I am assuming it may be a show dog person and what I decided to leave out of my blog after viewing this mans videos was an up side to such a product if it were made differently, not constricting over and under the mouth but a hood type construction to place on service dogs who while in a Restaurant could wear or in any food type place so one shake of the head does not send a flooger 5 feet over into someone else's plate. I am sure people who make service dog attire could come up with something like that and I feared if I mentioned it in the blog, this guy would just promote what he has already made to use like this. I know there are so many more reasons for this not to be used as is, and I am hoping this guy will see this and give his dog a break.


Inactive User
Well he wanted a review from a newfie owner, and now he has one! Good post (and love your signature...newf hugs are the best!)

I still agree that the product (while he has good intentions) is not meant to be...I can't imagine how he thinks he'd do the sizing for these. Moose is 7 months old and has a bigger head and paws than three of our full grown male newf friends.


New member
He argued about me making a video of the original version not the newer one. I explained in my blog that the newer one would not fit on my dogs. So to totally shut him up I took the new one and did a video of that one too. I have a small video camera so I had to have my hubby hold it since I would need two hands to make a point. IF you missed it you can catch it here


Active member
Well, I applaud you for trying.........but I don't think it's going to make a bit of difference. You tried it, it failed, and yet he still argued with you. I bet he'll find a reason to disagree with this video too.


Active member
I see that he has taken down his site. At least it's under construction. Guess we'll have to wait and see what he comes up with next. Maybe he's adding those instructions or new videos.