Random Mr. Moose pictures


Inactive User
Nothing much new here on the Moose front. We're working on building more muscles in his butt on our daily walks. The vet at the rehab center still wanted to put him down and didn't really help with a "long term" plan for him ...so I think our time there is finished. I don't care for the negativity and he doesn't seem any different before or after...so I'll save the $70 and buy him some prime ribs instead ;)

Here's a few pictures from the past few weeks, but we're still going strong! Our Celebrate Date is April 12th when he turns one. I really think he'll get there, and surprise all of us. His hip gives him some issues, and his atrophied muscles hurt, but we're slowly improving and he's turning more into the "puppy" he should have been all along.


Random Ollie shots:
"the gopher"

In his Moose sweater...it's been cold here in Utah so fattie had to bundle up. And this just so happened to be the only sweater at Petsmart that fit him. It was meant to be!

Oh and just in case you were wondering about Ginger? Yea, she still hates him.

Hitting his paws



Inactive User
Hahaha! Gotta give ginger credit for standing her ground at least! Maeby still won't even get within 15 feet of Mila!
She's tough as nails and sweet as sugar. It's hilarious. Poor thing wouldn't even hiss at me when I bathed her today, she just mewed pathetically. Dainty little miss.


New member
You have quite the adorable group there!! Sorry the rehab vet is being such a downer. Is there anywhere around that does canine massage. A friend of mine opened up a place here and is doing wonderful things.

Please give Mr. Moose a hug from me!


Love that Mr. Moose! And while I am generally not a small dog person....the gopher shot of Ollie is too funny - what sweet little ham! Hope Moose is feeling good today - you are such a good Mama and take such good care of him.


Inactive User
You have quite the adorable group there!! Sorry the rehab vet is being such a downer. Is there anywhere around that does canine massage. A friend of mine opened up a place here and is doing wonderful things.

Please give Mr. Moose a hug from me!
Yep we have local acupuncture and massage. Plus this time at the rehab center they wouldn't even let me be back there with him...other than the verbal brow-beating from the vet. He was literally JUMPING up on me, wagging his tail, and loving on everyone in front of this vet and she kept going on about how "absolutely miserable" he is. So we'll try somewhere closer. It's just not worth the hour drive, and the spike in my anxiety. I know I'm going to lose him sooner rather than later, but optimism never hurt anyone...and Moose himself is the most optimistic soul in existence.

Plus he LOVES massages, he'd let me rub him for hours. I'm really interested in the acu. My dad has a very bad back and he's finding that copying Moose is helping his back...(he took Moose for a long walk to build muscle on Moose, and found out it helped the pain in his back) so if I get Moose to try acu with success, my dad will follow ;)


Active member
look at a tens machine as it could help him. we have used one on max at the vets and it really helped him .They also do ones that have a heat pad that is great when you need to get deep down into the muscle. I am looking into buying one for our usage so will let you know how well it works

never let anyone tell you your dog is miserable- even if he doesnt have a long life so long as he has quality of life and is happy thats whats important .You will know if he is not right .

Remember he doesnt know he isnt right