Proper way to stop puppy from biting


New member
My 10 week old is a holy terror when it comes to biting. Nothing I am trying seems to have any impact on her. What has worked for you? I would appreciate some guidance.



New member
Time, and a lot of saying "No Bite!! My hands were so sore from Yogi's constant biting when he was a pup. It's a puppy thing, it will pass.
I "yipe" in a VERY high pitched, loud voice. Causes the pup to immediately stop what it is doing and look at me, at that point I give him something appropriate to bite on. Have to always have something on hand to give him immediately that is OK to chew on. Works like a charm and doesnt take very long. If you look at how puppies play, whenever one gets to rough the other yipes and wont play with the offending pup anymore, so they have to learn to be nice.

Could you translate ' Yipe ' me being a poor Yorkshire lad ?
Oh to translate a "yipe" :)
I do a very high pitched noise. The sound I use is like "YOW or EEE" maybe??
Any noise will do, but its best to make it a sound and not an actual word.
Its very hard to sound angry using a sound.
If you use "NO", it makes it too easy to yell at the puppy.
What you want to do is startle the puppy and make it stop and look at you.



New member
Think of a 'yipe' as the sound a puppy would make to another one if one of it's littermates played too rough with him/her. In other words, a high-pitched squeal.

Unfortunately, when Oliver was a puppy, the 'yipe' only made him more hyper-active.


New member
Time, patience and consistancy. At 10 weeksold, she has the attention span of a gnat. She needs to be reminded often of what the proper behavior should be. Most important - DON'T GET ANGRY!

I like to teach the 'No BIte' command. I start by giving yelp with the command "No Bite" and then give a proper chew toy to bite on.


New member
I'm not getting angry, but it does hurt like hell. It's been a long time (over 12 years) since I've had a puppy and I need to be reassured that this will pass.


New member
I'm not getting angry, but it does hurt like hell. It's been a long time (over 12 years) since I've had a puppy and I need to be reassured that this will pass.
it will pass, when we first got Gunther my hands and arms looked like I was in combat....a few no bites and positive reinforcemnets and he got it......he was 9 weeks old.........there is then wear socks on your hands.......good advice everyone gave ya...good luck with the pupper.:beer::grouphug:


New member
It will pass :) You could also spray bitter apple on your hands, or spray antiperspirant if it's that bad... I sometimes held Gracie's mouth shut and said No Bite in a firm low voice. Then I gave her a proper chew toy.



New member
I like to teach the 'No BIte' command. I start by giving yelp with the command "No Bite"
Me too, then repeat..... I set them up for this, I put my finger/hand in their face to taunt them to bite, then give the yelp/no bite, then put my hand back again, and repeat. They figure it out really fast. If they poke with their nose without biting, or give a lick they are PRAISED big time! They quickly start to test the theory and if you praise the gentle contact and correct the bite they catch on pretty quick.
I'm not getting angry, but it does hurt like hell. It's been a long time (over 12 years) since I've had a puppy and I need to be reassured that this will pass.
This too shall pass!!!! :) :) Just make sure you let him know it is unacceptable, and he wont get played with if he bites. Eventually he will quit. I also praise when they lick or nudge without putting teeth on me.



New member
We also do the high pitched puppy like squeal. Then when the dog stops biting offer a toy and praise like crazy as the puppy chews on the toy.


New member
When we went thru this we did the yelp, no bite and held the muzzle closed. It takes a bit and much consistancy...everyone in the house needs to be "on board" with this will improve...and then she'll move on to another issue, maybe counter surfing...what a cutie...


New member
I'm not getting angry, but it does hurt like hell. It's been a long time (over 12 years) since I've had a puppy and I need to be reassured that this will pass.
Oh, I can assure you this will pass and if you're blessed, it won't be onto another form of puppy-hell. LOL! It had been a decade since we had gone through the puppy phase and for the first year, it was quite an adjustment. But, hang in will be worth it.