Patrol Car video from Rosie's shooting


New member
I just don't get why these 4 stooges are not being prosecuted or disciplined for their actions. It is ludicrous to think that they acted responsibly.

I have to confess, after several days of seeing these links posted on different forums, I finally sucked it up and viewed the cams from the cars with no sound. One of my first impresssions was, it was obviously not a busy day in Des Moines as it looked like there was 4 police cruisers at one time parked near the Wright residence. With the supposed police budget cuts, I can easily come up with 4 officers whose jobs you can eliminate! 2nd impression was, the people residing in the area must be very apathetic as it is the afternoon of a weekend and not even one person living on the block seems interested enough to care why all those police cruisers have converged on their street with their lights flashing and the officers standing around looking confused like it was the first call they ever responded to....and with their gun out of the holster too!!!

Perhaps these tapes were not made available to the prosecutor's office and once they have an opportunity to view and hear the sound commentaries from these fools, charges will be pending after all and these officer's will be disciplined. Let's hope the corruption and bias investigations end with the police dept. Let's hope that the prosecutor's office and this anonymous 3rd party investigating will follow their conscience. By the way, why is it that the identity of the 3rd party investigating the incidence is not being released?


New member
Absolutely disgusting. I can't wait for the family to bring a civil suit against the Des Moines PD and to watch them win. Unfortunately poor Rosie is only a peice of "personal property" and they won't be able to receive much in the way of compensation (what a laugh. how can you possibly compensate for what they did to this dog, to her family?).
I wish the Wrights had the ability to sue the shirts off of their backs.


New member
What I understood after listening to it, they thought for awhile Rosie was in her own yard, and they were trying to figure out a way to kill her even then.
These people are so ignorant they should not be allowed to carry a gun (and I am not anti gun). They were running around with their guns drawn like a bunch of cowards. You should NEVER pull your gun unless you intend on using it. I would have been livid if that had gone on in my neighborhood. They acted like they would shoot anything that moved.
Bottom line A BUNCH OF COWARDS, and poor example of law inforcement.!!


New member
On a side note: I don't know if Trudie Davidson of TruNewfs Rescue is on Newf Net, but she has been the loudest voice and the strongest advocate for Rosie and her family in the Newf community. She created the petition, dedicated the bulk of her rescue website to Rosie, is the one who is constantly posting the police reports, investigation reports and shooting footage. She joins every discussion and posts on every website and blog regarding the November 7th incident.
She should be commended for her tenacity. If you're on NN Trudie, we all thank you!


New member
While every aspect of it makes me furious the fact that they took 4 shots makes me just livid. No one in the police dept. or the govt. seems so far to take exception to that. How can they be such lousy shots and still be on the police force- OR was it simply a way to make poor Rosie hurt as much as possible and if so- isn't that cruelty under the laws of WA? I think so.