Opinon Needed: Did I unknowingly break the law?


New member
Hey Liz -- So cool to see another AP-mama here!

As a contrast, within the "attachment parenting" world, some moms make baby carriers to sell to other moms. Or they will make cloth/fleece diapers to sell. But they often also include the directions on how to do it yourself on their website. The philosophy is ... we are all here to help each other. If you aren't crafty or don't have the time, I will sell you the item and profit by it. If you do have the time ... here the plans! Peace.



New member
Charity, I don't recall you putting instructions for how to build one of these inventions on your post? I do, however, think it's a good idea to give her due credit on your website.
Jess, you are right. I didn't have instructions for how to build one and I did in fact have a link to her website so people could go right to it. Heck, I may have even helped her get some sales.

Thanks everyone for your input!


New member
The woman is a moron. Plain and simple. I don't agree with you Art. First of all...how did she even find Charity's blog? Is she a stalker or something? Charity, I don't recall you putting instructions for how to build one of these inventions on your post? I do, however, think it's a good idea to give her due credit on your website. But if you want to make something for personal use...it's entirely up to you. You mean to tell me no one has ever found something and decided "I can make that myself!!"??? That's ridiculous. We've all done it and no one should be sued for it!
Both of you are right. She designed it, invented it, and went through the trouble to patent it (which is, btw, about $10,000 to do, so it is expensive). I guess what you should really do is look into what her patent rights are. If it were me, I'd just take the post down and leave it down, it's not worth the hassle to research it. You, on the other hand, are perfectly welcome to make anything your heart desires, as long as you are not selling them. So you haven't done anything wrong, you simply made something for your personal use, which is not illegal. I can paint a picture from a photo I download and hang it on my wall, and it's not illegal, but if I sell the painting, it is (even though I painted it, someone else has the rights to the image). You can copy everything that woman makes and use it, just don't sell. She can accuse you of selling them, but she has no proof what so ever, so she has no leg to stand on. As a courtesy to her, though, I'd just leave that post out, it is in the archive anyway, and if it makes her happy, so be it.


New member
Charity, I doubt she can sue you, although I'm no lawyer! Posting what you made is a FAR cry from selling them!

She's probably just pissy because if you google the products name, you'll probably find plans all over the internet for making your own. I know one of the show dogs list I'm on it was a thread on how to make your own several years ago.


New member
If..and this is a big IF...she had a worldwide patent on the product and you duplicated and sold said product....she would have a case. But, I am highly doubting she did. And I know you didn't. (Ass crack indeed)
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New member
I would definately put the post back up. You are offering free information to individuals. Your product is not the same. She has absolutely no grounds to sue you. She's trying to bully you. I despise bully's. Thanks for offering the information free to individuals searching! Some folks can build, some can't and need to buy!


New member
My dad made a muffler out of coffee cans and duct tape once. Is Pep Boys going to come after him?? :roflmao:

Sorry, didn't mean to make fun of you, hope all goes well and I don't think I would worry too much about this threat. :sunflower:


New member
Yey!! Congrats!! One of my best friends left yesterday to China to adopt her daughter Ayla. She has been waiting a long time and ended up going special needs (cleft palate).

I'm an AP to be :D We are LID 7/22/6 for our daughter Natalie in China. Hopefully we will bring her home next year :sunflower:

R Taft

Active member
I am sure that she cannot take you to court over such a minor event............What a waste of time and money this would be. There are so many "home-made" copies made of so many items all over the world. the courts would be over-loaded even more.....
Her actions are actually quite laughable, though not for you.

I bet you will be so glad to eventually get your daughter next year :groovy: