NN-- Need big prayers for Corgi Betty


New member
I know the power of Newf Net.. so here goes. Betty is in renal failure. She'll be spending the weekend hooked up to iv fluids on one last wing and a prayer that she'll get past this crisis. You may remember me talking about Betty's IVDD mobility issues. Those also have set her up for a series of UTI's.. and now an infection that got into her kidneys and put us at this impasse. I recognize that I may have to help her to the bridge in the coming weeks.. but I could not bring myself to make that decision on Christmas Eve!


New member
I will definitely remember you and Betty in my prayers tonight. So sorry you are facing this, and right before Christmas eve too. Hugs to you both,


New member
Our thoughts are prayers are with you. We had to make that call last Christmas night and it was horrible. Hang in there!