NN - Healing thoughts, please


New member
Thanks for the link, Cindy. Ms Vida/Blaze is "quarantined" at my house, both furkids are up to date on their immunizations. The only other dogs that visit would be my brother's fur kids, who are also up to date, but as yet haven't been over for a play date because it's been too hot and humid. He did stop by over the weekend, and I asked him to keep the kids away just as a precaution. I've made a follow up appt for Wed with the vet the shelter uses, and hopefully she'll have the bloodwork back also. After that, Vida will be going to my personal vet for everything.


New member
I went through a BRUTAL experience with distemper earlier this year...so learned more about it than anyone wants to know. I do know that there really is no way to definitively diagnose (lots of false negatives) antemortem...so hope you can pull the pup through if that is what it is...and that you are able to keep it isolated until it's past any risk of spread. Tons of luck and prayers for you and Vida :)


New member

Vida had a check up today with the vet. She weighed in at a whopping 13.6 pounds (up 4 pounds since she was signed over 3 weeks ago!). In the past few days she'd developed some nasal discharge, a little sneezing and eye discharge. Asked the vet about this, and she AGAIN is stymied. Vida also had a little fever (she's always been very warm since coming here). I asked if it might be a sinus infection - the slightly runny nose (which got a bit worse after a sneezing fit in the exam room which was way too cold in mho), the swollen gums that the vet noticed on exam and the eye discharge/squinting. To me in the past few days it looks like she's got a sinus headache - you know how a person looks when they have one - well sometimes you take one look at Vida and that's the impression you get. Anyway, the vet said she couldn't be sure ???? she definitely wants to consult again with the internist about the symptoms and she'll get back to me. In the meantime, another round of zpack and eye ointment, keep wiping her eyes with warm cloths, etc. Bring her back in Monday to have the on call vet (did I forget to mention that this vet is going on vacation starting tommorrow??) recheck her and decide if she should get more zpack or get something else. Guess I'll have to wait until after she gets back to see what the internist says.... REALLY debating about just whisking her away to my vet before I leave on vacation next Wed..... probably not - I've got (hopefully) 10 days worth of zpack, and a recheck in a few days, will see how things progress. Anyway, keep those good thoughts coming! I PROMISE tommorrow pics will be uploaded - I've got the night off so will make the time to get some up here!


New member
FINALLY had a few uninterrupted minutes to get those pics off my camera! Vida is doing well - such a snuggle bug! Without further adieu, here are a few snaps of Ms Vida Blaze!!



New member
I am relieved - just wish there was more that I could do for her sinuses - I think it's a sinus infection, the vet the shelter uses is too non-committal for my taste. After my little foray to WNY, I think I'll be getting her scheduled with my vet. She's got a recheck Monday with the covering vet, maybe she'll be a bit more forthcoming.