NN- Cleaning Advice Needed


New member
Anyone here have a good solution for rust water stains on porcelain..namely the toilet and tub? The commercial cleaners I've tried are useless...I think mainly cause there is no way to let it soak on the stains...they just run down into the bowl/drain. I know this group has a wealth of information when it comes to this topic. What have you done that actually works?


New member
Old fashioned but it's green and it works...make a paste of cream of tartar and lemon juice. Let it sit a bit before you rinse.


New member
Best stuff ever-

Greased Lightning Power-professional strength. I bought it at Home Depot, and used it to get rust stain out of a toilet in an apartment building so they wouldn't know we didn't report the toilet leak right away. It didn't even matter that it didn't stay in the toilet because anywhere it touched, the stain was instantly gone. It's very strong stuff though, so wear gloves & take off your jewelry. I'll try to find a link.


New member
Sound crazy but a pumice stone really worked for me when EVERY cleaner I tried wouldn't. It didn't scratch it up like I was afraid it might.


New member
These are fabulous suggestions! Thanks everyone! I will try them and will let you know the outcome!!


New member
Pumice is the only thing that has worked for me. I am on a well and get really bad stains. I also use it on my stove top. I grind a little off and make a paste it's great stuff. You would think it would scratch, but it doesn't.