new from NE Ohio


New member
oh my goodness! I cant believe I didnt know about this site! I am so glad Charity Dennington sent me information on this site! WOW...

can I say it again?


Ok...I am Teah Crew and I live in NE Ohio and have a beatiful 13 year old landseer female named Story.She is in tip top physical hip problems,no skin disorders, no heart problems...she is just experiencing early stages of dementia and going thru a second puppyhood. She wrestles on the floor on her back, throwing her legs in the air and flopping her head back and forth and pawing her nose and doing the rraararrrarararar newfie purr all the while doing it. She never has done this before...she was always a very sedate, quiet, almost timid dog. She was a kennel breeding bitch, very well cared for and loved by her breeder, who gave her to me when it was time to retire her from breeding. Story wasnt quite sure what to do within a family type setting for awhile but after 5 years, she has it down pat!

She does go to a nursing home with me to visit a lady who I am friends with. She also insists on greeting everyone up and down the hallways by our friend! She is a natural at this! If not for her age, I would take her to Delta and get her certified as a therapy dog but, hey, we are both we just do it now and then...

I have had 4 other newfs ... one of which was Story's littermate! Bella was my first newf and yes, she WAS a Delta dog...but shortly after getting her certified, she developed horrific seizures and we couldnt do it. We tried for months to get the right magic to deal with the monster inside her but after witnessing the affects it had on her mind and body, we finally released out dear girl to wait for us on the other side of the bridge. I have had Kali, the puppy mill landseer with phase four hip displasia and Jasmine the wonder newf who stole my heart with her winsome smiles, and Joey the buddha newfoundland who was a rescue and came to me in such poor condition...he lived to be 12 with me and I have submitted his story into the lady who is doing the sequel to her book 99 Newfs. He is the feature but Bella and Story are in my story as well...

I live in a modular home and no longer have the big large farm I once had. But I live in the country and we go visiting the nearby farms, who love Story and invite us back anytime. Story is the "dolly" of the park and people come out of their homes to greet us when we go for a walk. Everyone knows the big black and white! They might not remember my name but they sure do know hers!

I love to adopt older newfs. After getting Joey who was 7 when I got him, I realized the chances of an older dog getting placed quickly was tough. When I am ready for another newf, it has to be an older one...first, because Story is older and this might make life easier for her. And seconly, *I* am older and I know it would make life easier on me. LOL.

I cant imagine life without a newf in it. My girl has pulled me thru some horrible times lately (had a bad car accident). Her devotion to me is divine. As is mine to her....

I am so glad to be here...again, thank you Charity!


New member
Hiya Florida and Akron friends!

I am just an hour from you in Akron!

I am going to get some photos done of Story so I can put them on as my avatar!


New member
Welcome to you! Can't wait to see pics of Story. This is a wonderful place...and you'll find that we're all quite dedicated to Rescues, as well.


Active member
Isn't it terrific here? I just found it a few months ago and have learned so much! I wish I had known about it sooner!

Welcome, we look forward to hearing and seeing more from you and Story!
(Thanks Charity!:)


New member
Hi everyone! Do the Ohio folks get together ever with their newfies?

My old girl is laying on the floor next to me, happy I am home from work. She hates when I leave, even tho i only work 6 hours a week! I am semi-retired and trying to get on SSDI. I was hit twice by a semi two years ago and it turned my life upside down. Like I said, thank heavens for this dog! She got me thru the worst of it!


Sandra McGinty

New member
:kgo_057: Hello and Welcome from Massachusettes! Senior newfs rock -

we just got a 9yr old brown newf about a month ago. He was a re-home and just completed our family to a tee! Our other newf is 3yrs old - what a difference between the two of them. Can't wait to see your pics!


New member
maybe its because its late and I am tired but after jumping on and reading all the welcomes, I got all teary-eyed....

thank you all so much for giving me and Story a new home!



New member
Welcome from Central Massachusetts.:kgo_057: You'll laugh, youll cry, you'll see triumphs and struggles, you'll get advice and support. It's almost like real life, except better, we all have the big dogs to share it with. You'll love it here.


New member
Welcome Teah! I love it here too! BTW...we LOVE pictures here so don't mind us if we start hounding you for pictures of your girl!:coffeedrink: