Neuter appointment set up.


New member
We went to the vet on Wednesday. Dr. J said that Darwin looks great. He is on the small side---at 130 lbs---but that she prefers sturdy to long/tall in a newf. His weight is great. He's very healthy and happy.... and ready to be neutered on November 3rd.

My husband and I have argued back and forth about this since we got Darwin. I'm hoping that getting him neutered will make dog parks a more frequent stop for him--with other dogs not coming at him. But, really, I can't imagine that smelling bitches around the neighborhood and NEVER GETTING ANY is fair to him.

My husband disagrees. He is REALLY upset about this. He won't even discuss it with me. He has said that I should do what I feel is best, but he's is SOOOOO not pleased about it, and doesn't want to participate in anything having to deal with it. Is he the only man so effected by this? And, really, won't Darwin be happier NOT getting teased by the prospect of occasionally mating?

Being me... well, I keep tormenting him about it. I told him he could have some Newfy Mountain Oysters for dinner the night of the neuter. :beatdeadhorse:
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New member
What is his objection if Darwin is old enough. It is not like you are planning on him being a stud...


New member
No, he thinks we are removing his manhood. He thinks he won't continue to be a manly-man dog without his testicles. I don't get it.
With all due respect and forgive me if I am missing the humor here.. but if he is serious.... that is ludicrous... :icon_stupid:

If this is just in fun them I am an idiot....


New member
With all due respect and forgive me if I am missing the humor here.. but if he is serious.... that is ludicrous... :icon_stupid:

If this is just in fun them I am an idiot....
No, he is REALLY upset about it... and he won't discuss it. I got an email from the vet with the quote and pre-admittance paperwork. He refused to talk about it.


New member
Jen, many men have the same issue that Meri's husband is having. Maybe it's an American thing. It's stupid and silly, but it's definitely not uncommon here!


New member
He got a vasectomy last year--totally his decision. I have no idea why he is taking this do personally.
Met a lady with a saint she could barely control
Neutering came up in our conversation and she said her husband threatened to leave
If she neutered their dogs. They have three saints. She was near tears


Super Moderator
I think it's a North American thing with men, NOT just U.S.. as I've heard the same up here.
Maybe your husband could take Darwin to the local dog park and see what happens Meri!


New member
Sorry.. I think it is stupid.......Imagine a grown man not wanting his dog neutered because of his manhood........ I mean ......... really???? Sorry Meri.. maybe you could direct him to rescue sites.. not that you have intentions of breeding... but Oh My Lord..:beatdeadhorse:


New member
I think it's a North American thing with men, NOT just U.S.. as I've heard the same up here.
Maybe your husband could take Darwin to the local dog park and see what happens Meri!
Eh--I got sick of his wushi-washiness and had to make a decision that's best for both Darwin and me.


New member
What's really sad is they have a surgical procedure for fake testicles to appease the owners with these issues. They are called "Neuticles" If you google this, there are all sorts of article about it.

I'm trying not to snicker behind my hand but there are really people who have issues with this.


New member
My husband feels the same way. I have yet to make "the appointment" and Finn is going to be 3 in November. I really have to just do it... I feel your pain and frustration at having to do this all yourself...


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The irony is that these same men, who are actually quite numerous, have no issues (usually) with having bitches spayed. Talk about your double standards!

Bella and Gabe

New member
My husband cringes but most definitely doesn't object. In fact, he takes a box of Tim-bits in to his office on the day we have any of our male animals neutered...sort of a sacrificial peace offering perhaps? Y'all know what Tim-bits are, right? Anyway, my husband says the other men in the office (and women too) take the offered Tim bit on the day of surgery with reverence for our neutered dog or cat that's being neutered. :!rolling:

In fact, I just told him the other day that it won't be too much longer before he'll need to go buy Timbits because it will soon be time for Noah to be neutered.


New member
For over 30 years and about 25 male dogs DH has felt this way but does agree it needs to be done. Just winces every time. So silly and yeh- it doesn't matter if it's the girls. Bah humbug.


New member
Uhhh.. add South American to the list! My husband is from Peru and he has the same cringe and "do we have to?" reaction every time the subject comes up. So far, I'm not pushing it.


New member
No, he thinks we are removing his manhood. He thinks he won't continue to be a manly-man dog without his testicles. I don't get it.

I honestly don't get men and why they get so bent about getting dogs neutered. It's the best thing for Darwin, and it's time. I'd serve him meatballs for dinner that night. :whistling: