More surgery for Murphy


New member
Think good thoughts for Murphy today. He is having his knee cap (luxated patella) fixed along with the first TTA surgery which apparently failed from the beginning. The good news is that the new surgeon said his right leg is 100% healed and should be strong enough to support his body while the left leg heals - again. So we are starting from scratch and hoping for zero complications this time!


New member
Surgery went well this morning. Thank you for all the good thoughts and prayers. Murphy is happily on a morphine drip right now and can hopefully come home on Monday. The recovery starts all over again for us. The bright side is that he will be back in solitary confinement and the Christmas tree will be safe this year. Last year he tore it down in the middle of the night and dragged it all over the house. It looked like someone had killed Christmas! I'm just glad the healing can begin.


New member
Glad to hear that he's out of surgery and it went well. Can't imagine going through it all over again...sending good thoughts and prayers your way.


Active member
Surgery went well this morning. Thank you for all the good thoughts and prayers. Murphy is happily on a morphine drip right now and can hopefully come home on Monday. The recovery starts all over again for us. The bright side is that he will be back in solitary confinement and the Christmas tree will be safe this year. Last year he tore it down in the middle of the night and dragged it all over the house. It looked like someone had killed Christmas! I'm just glad the healing can begin.
I'm happy to see a sense of humor shining through here. Sorry you have to go through the misery again, but keeping a positive attitude will sure help!

R Taft

Active member
Sounds like you are happy with how it all went............We will keep praying for you Murphy, who will be having Happy dreams on his morphine drip............(maybe about destroying a christmas tree?)