Moose's Photo Shoot Pictures!!!


Inactive User
We finally got Moose's pictures back from our photo shoot and I am pleased as punch... allow me to share.

All of us (love that the only ones truly happy in this photo are me and Moose! Everyone else wants out!)

Me and my boys.

Showing off his mad "wait" skills.

He surprised me with a kiss - he's not much of a kisser.

And finally, "The Eyebrow". You know the one...

Here's a link to the rest...

Thanks for looking and always being such a good support system for me and my special boy!


AAHHHHH....these are fantastic. Hardly can choose a favorite - they are all wonderful! So glad they turned out so great. Yup, just checked em out again....can't pick a fave - they are all amazing. You need to blow them up and cover every wall in your house with them.


Inactive User
AAHHHHH....these are fantastic. Hardly can choose a favorite - they are all wonderful! So glad they turned out so great. Yup, just checked em out again....can't pick a fave - they are all amazing. You need to blow them up and cover every wall in your house with them.
My thoughts exactly. I have 81 favorites...all of them! It's so hard to pick. I can't stop looking at them. Well, there goes my afternoon of work...


New member
My goodness...I checked out the link to fb and ALL of them are just so wonderful...I love the one where you are kissing him darn sweet!! Very very sweet pictures...


New member
Ah, Mr. Moose - you are too adorable! And your family is beautiful too, you are very loved!!


Inactive User
Thanks all!! Mr. Celebrity and I just signed up for our next training class. Just advanced and CGC to go and we can be a therapy team! So proud of how much this dog accomplishes. Dogs are amazing in how they don't complain and find a way to work around their struggles and succeed in whatever they want.


Good luck in training classes, Moose will be a wonderful therapy dog!
I can't stop looking at all these marvelous pics. I think I squealed the loudest at the two of Moose upside in your lap. But there were plently of other squeals as well - truly kudos to your photographer, Moose is darn photogenic to begin with but those shots are really something else.


New member
Such awesome photos! It's great you got the one of his kissing you, the family portrait is fantastic, and the second one kills me!


I can't stop looking at these sweet pictures of Mr. Moose and company. You may need to think about charging to look at them - could be very profitable.:goofy: