Midwest people?

How's everyone doing? Lots of snow predicted for this area. 12+ a possibility. I see many areas in Tennesee, Kentucky, Southern IL are under the threat of tonrados, some have already touched down causing damage. Stay safe everyone and check in if you can.


New member
Tornado warnings all around us here, but so far we've just got lots of rain and some wicked lightning. Temp has dropped from today's high of 74 down to mid 60's now. Waiting for it to let up so I can run the fur out to pee......

luvxl k 9

New member
We've had thunder storms around here and our backyard looks like a duck pond. Luckily it's been warm enough that we haven't had any snow, I'd hate to see what all of this rain would look like if it was snow. We are having major problems with flooding now though.


New member
It has been snowing here since 2:45 this afternoon. Kelly, they said that we are in for that same 12+ too! Gosh I just got the last huge amount from last Thurs. night cleared out of the driveway yesterday!! HERE we go again.

Greg L

New member
Memphis got hit with several tornados tonight. Hopefully damage was minimal.

On the plus side though, many people who paid for FedEx Ground got a free upgrade to Air......


New member
wet wet snow here......waiting to see whats yet to come.....kids are already planning their snow day......


New member
Not much going on here. Light rain that never turned into the snow they said we were going to get. It is such a muddy mess out there I hate letting the dogs out!


New member
120 AM Here, I was expecting the usual amount of stupid accidents from idiot drivers, but no snow yet, snowed earlier (b4 5pm) then icy rain. I think everyone got scared and stayed home. We'll see what the morning brings.


New member
Flooding here again, below both of our dams. Most of the homes have not been repaired from last months flooding, a restaurant just below the dam by us, reopened last week, and today it is flooded again. We have NEVER had flooding like this before!!!
My daughters friend called her at 4:30 A.M. and said a tornado hit her fathers home in Tennessee, and she was leaving for there. The hospital wouldn't tell her his condition, she did know of some of his injuries, I guess the house caved in on him.
This weather has been amazing!!
Oh wow. I hope your daughters friends Dad is ok. I've been watching the Weather Channel off and on with reports on all the tornadoes, and it's just incrdible. That path of storms was so big last night, and they were popping up everywhere. Numerous deaths and injuries, which is so sad. Today doesn't look much better either.

Sue Lynn and Robin...you guys ok??????????

Up here everything is closed down. Schools, courthouses, churches, all kinds of programs. One of the owners from the salon called me this morning and said they were closing it today. Good thing because I wasn't going in anyway!! I wouldn't have made it in, and the majority of my clients today are from out of town. I don't want them out driving either! The heavy snow is just hitting us now. I can't see my neighbors house, and they are down the road about 1/10th of a mile.


New member
I sure hope everyone is ok! We are all closed down here, I actually can't see the river and it is right in front of our house!

Sue Lynn, Robin, Ginny anyone else around those areas hit please check in we are worried about you!!


New member
Been watching the weather films/reports on tv..sending mass hopes for that bad stuff to calm down..go away..and dangers to minimize..fast! Hunker down..keep watching out for each other, take care, ina n HB


New member
Just spoke with Ginny. All is fine there, it went just north of them, as they spent time in the bathroom with all 4 Newfs and the others. :)

Thanks to Sandra (StokleyS) for the phone call to alert them!


New member
The tornado sirens started going off here about 9:20 last night and blew till about 10. There were funnel clouds spotted near here, but none ever came down to ground thankfully.
All the dogs and I spent the hour in our little storage area downstairs between the staircase and the laundry room. It's the most secure place in the house.
It will take me literally days to clean up the yard. None of the branches hit the house though.
I know one funnel must have come close, because I felt the pressure drop. It was very strange. I have never felt anything like it. It is like the air is being sucked out of the room.
The dogs were very uneasy all evening....The fluctuating pressure must have hurt their ears because they were all whining...and Hannah actually HOWLED..My quiet little girl bayed like a hound. Very strange.
I haven't been out today yet, so I don't know what kind of damage there is in the area. I do know the worst of it went just to the east of us and south in TN.


Active member
And they call this "global warming". The weather patterns all over have been very much out of the ordinary. I can't even begin to imagine how frightening it must be. Good luck everybody.