Landseer Female - Humane Society Missouri


New member
Oh my gosh! She's beautiful. I wonder who is in Missouri? If no one answers soon, I'll look for the local Newf club.
I cant keep her, but Chesterfield is about an hour from me. If someone here is interested in her, I could go get her for you and hold her for a very short time until you can get her, or I can get her for the regional Rescue, River King.
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New member
She almost looks like an Irish Spotted in the picture. She's a cutie!!!. If your in River King, I would get ahold of Lisa Noel, she's the Rescue Chair.

I know she's on NN, but does not get on often.


New member
I always thrilled at how fast NN can work to save these babies. Thank you. Any time there is one along the Gulf Coast from Appalachicola, FL. to NO, LA please let me know. I will help.


New member
Anytime I see that one of our newf netters post a newf I get it to rescue right away.
The sooner the better!
Thanks guy's :hugs:


New member
911Newfs, thanks for the kudos, but someone at work mentioned it to me since they know I'm a Newf nut..... She's beautiful in my opinion, and I would take her in as a foster, but I am leaving on a business trip this weekend and will be gone for a spell. I am also awaiting word on a Landseer male from Germany, and seven would be a lot for me to handle....



New member
I sent another email to see if I can find out whats going on. I will post as soon as I hear. I know from my end it went to who it was suppose to. Like I said as soon as I know you will.
