Keep your fingers crossed for Ruuti :(


New member
We had this happen to us a few years ago with Vera: She was very tired, wouldn't want to go out for walks, started getting wobbly etc.. ... she had piroplasmosis from ticks. It is a very deadly disease where blood cells are destroyed. Luckily the vet knew what it was and Vera was treated with antibiotics, pain killers and medicine for piroplasmosis. Vera got better quickly.

Now we are pretty sure that Ruuti has it.. She was getting tired after getting home from our trip, started getting wobbly (today), wouldn't eat (today) and has fever (today afternoon).. Then we tested her pee: rusty red.. a clear sign. Quickly to the vet today and the antibiotics, pain killers and piroplasmosis medicine for Ruuti. Lets hope it works as we won't get the lab results until tomorrow..


Pam G

New member
I hope she'll be ok. Sending prayers and positive thoughts. Will be anxiously looking for an update.


New member
Healing thoughts and prayers coming your way. Hopefully Ruuti will do well on medications. (((HUGS)))


New member
Thank you for keeping your fingers crossed for a quick recovery. She still hasn't eaten and is still sleeping. She'll need to sleep over the night and then we can assess her again tomorrow..

R Taft

Active member
Paws and fingers/toes crossed and Prayers with positive energy/thoughts sent your way....Hope he gets well soon, Ronnie


New member
How is Ruuti today? Trying to find all the ticks on a Newf, yikes. Is there any preventative? We used to use a smelly white powder in our collie kennel, which did not prevent them from biting. That was 1960s.

Was looking at a rails to trails path to take Orka on but decided not to because they warn of ticks. In Eastern Washington. Now I'm really glad we didn't go there.


New member
Thank you for all the crossed fingers, they really seems to have helped! She was getting better last night (ate something, managed to go around the block), and today she's been a completely different dog. She's still not yet 100% but I'd say at least 70% OK :).

When it comes to ticks we do use Frontline for the dogs and it keeps 99.9% of the ticks away, but it only needs ONE + bad luck for this to occur (and it is very prevalent in the area). Without Frontline we would get about 200 ticks per dog per walk (or well that's the maximum what we've had one spring, having forgotten to put the Frontline on them)!


New member
Ah...poor thing. So glad you caught and treated for it early. Continued good thoughts being sent for your girl.


New member
Bettina, Sorry to hear about Ruuti but am glad to hear she is starting to feel better.
I know how nasty ticks can be. We lost Titan to anaplasmosis. It's been very warm
here and I actually found a tick on myself the other day. I couldn't believe it. I've never had a tick on me (many on the dogs) but to find one this time of year is just crazy. I put some Frontline on Cooper. Take care Ruuti and get well soon. Cooper sends hugs.